elastic / kibana

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Removes dashboard dependency from maps #182713

Closed stratoula closed 1 week ago

stratoula commented 1 week ago


The maps plugin is the last consumer of the allowByValueEmbeddables. This PR removes it from the plugin.

Note: The remaining part is to remove it from the dashboards plugin but I will leave it to the dashboard team to handle it as removing the dashboard.allowByValueEmbeddables yml setting might be considered a breaking change.

nreese commented 1 week ago

Note: The remaining part is to remove it from the dashboards plugin but I will leave it to the dashboard plugin to handle it as removing the dashboard.allowByValueEmbeddables yml setting might be considered a breaking change.

Thanks, I moved https://github.com/elastic/kibana/issues/137197 to new so it will come up in our next triage session and we can plan for this change

stratoula commented 1 week ago


kibana-ci commented 1 week ago

:green_heart: Build Succeeded

Metrics [docs]

Async chunks

Total size of all lazy-loaded chunks that will be downloaded as the user navigates the app

id before after diff
maps 3.0MB 3.0MB -89.0B

Page load bundle

Size of the bundles that are downloaded on every page load. Target size is below 100kb

id before after diff
maps 51.3KB 51.2KB -107.0B


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