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[Console] Fields autocomplete not working as expected #182751

Open alisonelizabeth opened 4 months ago

alisonelizabeth commented 4 months ago

Kibana version: 8.13

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create an index with mappings
PUT test_fields
  "mappings": {
    "properties": {
      "@timestamp": {
        "type": "date"
      "abstract": {
        "type": "text"
      "author": {
        "type": "keyword"
      "body": {
        "type": "text"
      "body_word_count": {
        "type": "integer"
      "category": {
        "type": "keyword"
      "title": {
        "type": "text"
      "url": {
        "type": "keyword"
      "published": {
        "type": "boolean"
POST test_fields/_doc
  "@timestamp": "2021-03-10T16:00:00.000Z",
  "abstract": "The Joy of Painting",
  "author": "Bob Ross",
  "body": "Painting should do one thing. It should put happiness in your heart. We'll take a little bit of Van Dyke Brown. Isn't that fantastic? You can just push a little tree out of your brush like that. Mix your color marbly don't mix it dead.",
  "body_word_count": 55,
  "category": "Painting",
  "title": "Making Happy Little Trees",
  "url": "/blog/happy-little-trees",
  "published": true
POST test_fields/_doc
  "@timestamp": "2021-03-10T16:00:00.000Z",
  "abstract": "The Joy of Painting",
  "author": "Rodrigo",
  "body": "Painting should do one thing. It should put happiness in your heart. We'll take a little bit of Van Dyke Brown. Isn't that fantastic? You can just push a little tree out of your brush like that. Mix your color marbly don't mix it dead.",
  "body_word_count": 55,
  "category": "Painting",
  "title": "Making Happy Little Trees",
  "url": "/blog/happy-little-trees",
  "published": true
  1. Issue search request
    GET test_fields/_search
    "query": {
    "term": {
      "<field>": {
        "value": "VALUE"

    Note: Autocomplete is not provided for the field parameter.

Expected behavior: Autocomplete should be provided for fields.

Screenshots (if relevant):

Screenshot 2024-05-06 at 4 00 23 PM
elasticmachine commented 4 months ago

Pinging @elastic/kibana-management (Team:Kibana Management)

alisonelizabeth commented 4 months ago

cc @yuliacech

yuliacech commented 4 months ago

Hey @alisonelizabeth, I was not able to reproduce this on 8.13 either locally or on Cloud. Could you please post a screen recording? Also I thought if the issue is not the missing suggestions, but the suggestions popup not showing? To trigger the suggestions popup you could use "Fn + Control + Space". But it should also be possible by deleting and re-typing the double quote ". While the suggestions are still loading, the popup is not shown but there are loading indicators (see the screen recording below with the throttled network connection)
