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[Security Assistant] Automatically Install Knowledge Base #182763

Open spong opened 1 week ago

spong commented 1 week ago


This PR is Phase 1 of the Knowledge Base work for 8.15, which includes automatically setting up the Knowledge base (this PR), introducing new generic KB tools for recall/retrieval, a CRUD API for for managing Knowledge Base Entries, and a basic UI for Knowledge Base Entry management (all captured in this issue). Once complete, this will also provide the opportunity to remove the !isEnabledKnowledgeBase code paths, directing all interactions through our LangChain Agent pipeline.

This PR sets the ground work for all of the above by moving ELSER setup and Knowledge Base data management to use the new AssistantDataClient architecture used for Conversations, AnonymizationFields and Prompts.

This feature is currently behind the assistantKnowledgeBaseByDefault experimental feature flag, which can be enabled by adding the following to your kibana.dev.yml:

  - 'assistantKnowledgeBaseByDefault'

Once enabled, an Install Knowledge Base button will be shown when starting a new conversation. Note: UX is still under development.

Useful Dev Tools Queries

The new assistantKnowledgeBaseByDefault flows are quite resilient, and so everything should function as expected even if one piece of the puzzle is missing or incomplete. Here are some dev tool queries to check and delete individual resources, which is nice for testing. For instance, you can nuke the ingest pipeline, or ELSER, and the Install KB button will appear and function as intended.

[!NOTE] Since the existing API's were used, with forked logic for the assistantKnowledgeBaseByDefault FF, the existing KB Settings UI still functions as expected, and can be used for deleting and re-initializing the KB. This functionality will most likely go away with updates to the KB UI, but is nice for testing in the interim.

Useful Dev Tools Queries

``` ts // New KB GET /_ingest/pipeline/.kibana-elastic-ai-assistant-ingest-pipeline-knowledge-base GET /_index_template/.kibana-elastic-ai-assistant-index-template-knowledge-base GET /_data_stream/.kibana-elastic-ai-assistant-knowledge-base-default/ GET .kibana-elastic-ai-assistant-knowledge-base-default/_count GET .kibana-elastic-ai-assistant-knowledge-base-default/_mapping GET .kibana-elastic-ai-assistant-knowledge-base-default/_search { "size": 1000 } // MSearch for if ES|QLKB docs exists GET .kibana-elastic-ai-assistant-knowledge-base-default/_msearch {} {"query":{"bool":{"must_not":[{"term":{"metadata.kbResource":"esql"}},{"term":{"metadata.required":true}}],"must":[{"text_expansion":{"vector.tokens":{"model_id":".elser_model_2","model_text":"You can chain processing commands, separated by a pipe character: `|`."}}}]}},"size":10} {} {"query":{"bool":{"must":[{"term":{"metadata.kbResource":"esql"}},{"term":{"metadata.required":true}}]}},"size":10000} // Other DataClient Assets GET .kibana-elastic-ai-assistant-anonymization-fields-default/_search { "size": 1000 } GET .kibana-elastic-ai-assistant-conversations-default/_search { "size": 1000 } GET .kibana-elastic-ai-assistant-prompts-default/_search { "size": 1000 } GET /_ingest/pipeline/.kibana-elastic-ai-assistant-ingest-pipeline-knowledge-base // Delete them all! // Data Streams DELETE /_data_stream/.kibana-elastic-ai-assistant-anonymization-fields-default DELETE /_data_stream/.kibana-elastic-ai-assistant-conversations-default DELETE /_data_stream/.kibana-elastic-ai-assistant-knowledge-base-default DELETE /_data_stream/.kibana-elastic-ai-assistant-prompts-default // Index Templates DELETE /_index_template/.kibana-elastic-ai-assistant-index-template-anonymization-fields DELETE /_index_template/.kibana-elastic-ai-assistant-index-template-conversations DELETE /_index_template/.kibana-elastic-ai-assistant-index-template-knowledge-base DELETE /_index_template/.kibana-elastic-ai-assistant-index-template-prompts // Pipelines DELETE /_ingest/pipeline/.kibana-elastic-ai-assistant-ingest-pipeline-knowledge-base ```

New Features:
Changes not behind FF:


Delete any items that are not applicable to this PR.

elasticmachine commented 5 days ago

Pinging @elastic/security-solution (Team: SecuritySolution)

kibana-ci commented 2 days ago

:green_heart: Build Succeeded

Metrics [docs]

Module Count

Fewer modules leads to a faster build time

id before after diff
securitySolution 5492 5497 +5

Public APIs missing comments

Total count of every public API that lacks a comment. Target amount is 0. Run node scripts/build_api_docs --plugin [yourplugin] --stats comments for more detailed information.

id before after diff
@kbn/elastic-assistant 147 138 -9
@kbn/elastic-assistant-common 217 275 +58
total +49

Async chunks

Total size of all lazy-loaded chunks that will be downloaded as the user navigates the app

id before after diff
securitySolution 15.1MB 15.1MB +2.5KB

Page load bundle

Size of the bundles that are downloaded on every page load. Target size is below 100kb

id before after diff
securitySolution 83.5KB 83.5KB +35.0B
Unknown metric groups #### API count | id | [before](https://github.com/elastic/kibana/commit/135961b720657960f7648887246383833645d7e3) | [after](https://github.com/elastic/kibana/commit/239f8342609fade647374165a3cc250ad7bf821a) | diff | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `@kbn/elastic-assistant` | 174 | 165 | -9 | | `@kbn/elastic-assistant-common` | 232 | 292 | +60 | | total | | | +51 | #### ESLint disabled line counts | id | [before](https://github.com/elastic/kibana/commit/135961b720657960f7648887246383833645d7e3) | [after](https://github.com/elastic/kibana/commit/239f8342609fade647374165a3cc250ad7bf821a) | diff | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `elasticAssistant` | 38 | 39 | +1 | #### Total ESLint disabled count | id | [before](https://github.com/elastic/kibana/commit/135961b720657960f7648887246383833645d7e3) | [after](https://github.com/elastic/kibana/commit/239f8342609fade647374165a3cc250ad7bf821a) | diff | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `elasticAssistant` | 38 | 39 | +1 |


To update your PR or re-run it, just comment with: @elasticmachine merge upstream

cc @spong