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[Security Solution] Timeline : Disabling Timeline ESQL feature flag should disable ESQL Tab. #182816

Closed logeekal closed 1 week ago

logeekal commented 1 week ago


handles https://github.com/elastic/kibana/issues/182798

Recently there was PR : https://github.com/elastic/kibana/pull/181616 which does not disable ES|QL tab in timeline even if feature flag is disabled when :

This PR makes sure when below feature flag exists, then ES|QL tab will be definitely disabled even when user has a saved timeline with ES|QL Query in it.

  - timelineEsqlTabDisabled

Desk Testing Guidelines

  1. Remove above Feature Flag
  2. Go to Timeline and Create a Timeline with ESQL Query
  3. Save the timeline.
  4. Go To advanced Settings and search for esql and disable the enableESQL setting.
  5. Go back to the timeline saved in step 3.
  6. ✅ Assert that the ES|QL tab is still there.
  7. ✅ Assert that the ES|QL tab is NOT there in a new timeline.
  8. Add above feature flag - which disables the esql Tab.
  9. Go back to the timeline saved in step 3.
  10. ✅ Assert that the ES|QL tab is no longer there.
  11. ✅ Assert that the ES|QL tab is NOT there in a new timeline.


elasticmachine commented 1 week ago

Pinging @elastic/security-threat-hunting-investigations (Team:Threat Hunting:Investigations)

logeekal commented 1 week ago


kibana-ci commented 1 week ago

:green_heart: Build Succeeded

Metrics [docs]

Async chunks

Total size of all lazy-loaded chunks that will be downloaded as the user navigates the app

id before after diff
securitySolution 15.3MB 15.3MB +815.0B


To update your PR or re-run it, just comment with: @elasticmachine merge upstream

kibanamachine commented 1 week ago

💚 All backports created successfully

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