elastic / kibana

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[Security Solution] Handle invalid savedSearchId #182937

Closed logeekal closed 1 week ago

logeekal commented 1 week ago


Handles https://github.com/elastic/kibana/issues/182823

This PR resolves the issue where user opens a timeline with a savedSearchId which no longer exists.

Desk Testing Guide

  1. Create an Untitled Timeline and add ESQL query and save the timeline.
  2. Make sure Saved Objects in Stack Management contains a new saved object. with name - Saved search for timeline - <name_of_timeline_above>.
  3. Export the above created timeline as ndjson as shown below.
    Screenshot 2024-05-08 at 14 26 21
  4. Delete the above created timeline
  5. Make sure that corresponding saved objects is also deleted in Saved Objects in Stack Management.
  6. Import the timeline export in Step 3 on the Timelines Page.
  7. Once imported.. Navigate to ESQL tab and save a arbitrary query.
  8. Save the timeline... Switch to another timeline and then back.
  9. The query you saved should be restored.
elasticmachine commented 1 week ago

Pinging @elastic/security-threat-hunting-investigations (Team:Threat Hunting:Investigations)

kibana-ci commented 1 week ago

:green_heart: Build Succeeded

Metrics [docs]

Async chunks

Total size of all lazy-loaded chunks that will be downloaded as the user navigates the app

id before after diff
securitySolution 15.3MB 15.3MB +222.0B
Unknown metric groups #### ESLint disabled line counts | id | [before](https://github.com/elastic/kibana/commit/731cfc84b60d40538630736c1587851b873160bb) | [after](https://github.com/elastic/kibana/commit/d6470df0f618153564d1c3f9cde6377f897ab049) | diff | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `securitySolution` | 519 | 520 | +1 | #### Total ESLint disabled count | id | [before](https://github.com/elastic/kibana/commit/731cfc84b60d40538630736c1587851b873160bb) | [after](https://github.com/elastic/kibana/commit/d6470df0f618153564d1c3f9cde6377f897ab049) | diff | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `securitySolution` | 597 | 598 | +1 |


To update your PR or re-run it, just comment with: @elasticmachine merge upstream

kibanamachine commented 1 week ago

💚 All backports created successfully

Status Branch Result
✅ 8.14

Note: Successful backport PRs will be merged automatically after passing CI.

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