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[Infra UI] AWS EC2 instances not showing up in the Inventory UI #182988

Open neptunian opened 1 week ago

neptunian commented 1 week ago

The query when using the dropdown the Inventory UI waffle map is looking for term: { 'event.dataset': 'aws.ec2' } instead of term: { 'event.dataset': 'aws.ec2_metrics' }

elasticmachine commented 1 week ago

Pinging @elastic/obs-ux-infra_services-team (Team:obs-ux-infra_services)

roshan-elastic commented 1 week ago

Thanks for this @neptunian.

Quick question on this...(and please defer this if you shouldn't be answering this right now - I can ask @smith in our weekly backlog catch-up)

If we deliver this issue, do you know what users will see when they select 'EC2' in inventory from the drop-down?


I have a feeling that as we deprecated the 'AWS' section (as we saw little to no usage) of hosts...we might need to do more than just fix the query.

smith commented 2 days ago

If we deliver this issue, do you know what users will see when they select 'EC2' in inventory from the drop-down?


Will they see 'squares' for each one?


Will the metrics show up for each host (in each square)?

Yes. It's not a host it's an EC2 instance. (According to the current inventory model. The metrics are different.)

What will happen if they click on a square to see more about the EC2?

Similar to what you see for Kubernetes pods today, a dropdown with links to filtered logs, metrics, and APM views, filtered by cloud.instance.id. I don't have a running environment with these but am inferring it from the inventory model: https://github.com/elastic/kibana/blob/main/x-pack/plugins/observability_solution/metrics_data_access/common/inventory_models/aws_ec2/index.ts#L26-L37.

I have a feeling that as we deprecated the 'AWS' section (as we saw little to no usage) of hosts...we might need to do more than just fix the query.

The entity discovery framework should be able to discover host and/or cloud.instance entities from CloudWatch log and metric data. You'll have to talk to the team about that.

Fixing this specific bug requires deleting eight characters so we should do so once we get a chance.