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[QA][Serverless-observability] Filter panel floats weirdly in the browser #183002

Open bhavyarm opened 1 week ago

bhavyarm commented 1 week ago

Kibana version: serverless QA observability project(latest main)

Browser version: chrome latest

Original install method (e.g. download page, yum, from source, etc.): QA serverless

Describe the bug: Filter panel (edit query) floats and scrolls up and down weirdly in the browser on dashboards


elasticmachine commented 1 week ago

Pinging @elastic/kibana-presentation (Team:Presentation)

ThomThomson commented 1 week ago

Also assigning this to the visualizations team as they own the unified search bar. There seems to be something strange going on with it because the query and time range sections aren't sticky while the filters section is.

elasticmachine commented 1 week ago

Pinging @elastic/kibana-visualizations (Team:Visualizations)

Heenawter commented 1 week ago

@ThomThomson I think the assignment being fully on us is actually correct, since we own the "sticky" wrapper around the unified search bar in this case - to me, it seems like our offset for the sticky calculation is off because serverless has a different viewport height than stateful. You can see that the filter pills stay on screen but the query bar gets hidden under the top nav - that's why the filter panel looks strange as you scroll. What do you think?

I fixed a similar (ish) issue caused by the extra top nav in serverless for the links panel here.

ThomThomson commented 1 week ago

I see yes this is very true. Removing the vis team from this issue - sorry for the noise!