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[Dashboard management UI][KEYBOARD]: Dual range slider minimum input is not responding to `arrow key` events #183185

Open 1Copenut opened 1 month ago

1Copenut commented 1 month ago

Description The dual range slider in the Dashboard UI should allow users to change the numeric value using arrow keys. The lower (left) range input does not respond to arrow keypress events. This can create difficulty for keyboard and screen reader users who may not know they can enter numbers directly into the input. I've attached a MOV file below that demonstrates the keypress events being ignored.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Log into a QA environment and open a new classic Deployment
  2. Turn on the sample dashboards and navigate to one. I used the E-commerce sample data for this demo.
  3. Tab through until the Quantity slider has focus. Make sure the first input has the focus.
  4. Press Up_Arrow a few times
  5. Verify the number in the input still reads 1


Actual Result

Expected Result

Kibana Version: 8.14.0


Browser: Chrome latest

Relevant WCAG Criteria:

elasticmachine commented 1 month ago

Pinging @elastic/kibana-accessibility (Project:Accessibility)

elasticmachine commented 1 month ago

Pinging @elastic/kibana-presentation (Team:Presentation)