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[Search] Can we remove isRunning / isRestored properties necessary? #183964

Open thomasneirynck opened 1 month ago

thomasneirynck commented 1 month ago

Kibana version:



When a search has not completed, the polling result of an async searches always include following properties:

  "id": "FnBTVzZRVkpZUjI2dVluN2RCQ2RwbFEdN0huQmtVZ1BUYmlISU9QQ0Rza0lMQTo4ODU0Mzg=",
  "rawResponse": {},
  "isPartial": true,
  "isRunning": true,
  "isRestored": true

It does not seem we are using isRunning and isRestored on the client (ie. in the browser). Is this a correct reading?

If so, we should remove. With the removal of bsearch, we are generating more of these polls and a good chunk of the response does not seem necessary. The values are flagged as optionally already (https://github.com/elastic/kibana/blob/807da63c617a8a9ad0b0d90e20a065fd499940fa/packages/kbn-search-types/src/kibana_search_types.ts#L42-L50).

elasticmachine commented 1 month ago

Pinging @elastic/kibana-data-discovery (Team:DataDiscovery)