io-ts has a runtime type system for IO decoding/encoding, which allows defining an input and output type and a function to convert between these two types. This functionality enables us to not only validate an object but also convert parts of the input object to a different type.
Here is an example of Duration defined in Kibana. It receives a string like 1m and if it is valid, it returns a Duration object.
io-ts also allows us to get the whole input and output type at the top level, so type conversion can happen anywhere in the nested objects (example).
const createSLOParamsSchema = t.type({
body: t.intersection([
timeWindow: **timeWindowSchema**,
const timeWindowSchema = t.union([**rollingTimeWindowSchema**, calendarAlignedTimeWindowSchema]);
const rollingTimeWindowSchema = t.type({
duration: **durationType**, <- This is the Duration type
type: rollingTimeWindowTypeSchema,
type CreateSLOInput = t.OutputOf<typeof createSLOParamsSchema.props.body>;
type CreateSLOParams = t.TypeOf<typeof createSLOParamsSchema.props.body>;
Zod seems to have a similar functionality called transform.
🍒 Summary
io-ts has a runtime type system for IO decoding/encoding, which allows defining an input and output type and a function to convert between these two types. This functionality enables us to not only validate an object but also convert parts of the input object to a different type.
Here is an example of Duration defined in Kibana. It receives a string like
and if it is valid, it returns a Duration also allows us to get the whole input and output type at the top level, so type conversion can happen anywhere in the nested objects (example).
Zod seems to have a similar functionality called transform.