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[Discover] Add contextual awareness resolution results to EBT telemetry events #186109

Open kertal opened 3 weeks ago

kertal commented 3 weeks ago

📓 Summary

To allow better and more granular telemetry analysis about the contextual resolution in Discover, Event-Based-Telemetry (EBT) events context should be extended by a new property called discover_profiles or discover_context. This property will contain an array of active profiles, e.g. observability-root, logs-data-source (or root-observabilty, data-source-logs), allowing to get insights in which discover context other EBT events like click are logged.

What we intend to log is

What is currently out of scope

More infos about how to extend EBT context can be found here


✔️ Acceptance criteria

elasticmachine commented 3 weeks ago

Pinging @elastic/kibana-data-discovery (Team:DataDiscovery)