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[ML] Help(encourage) users create a change point detection panel in dashboard with some results #186581

Open bhavyarm opened 2 weeks ago

bhavyarm commented 2 weeks ago

Kibana version: main

Describe the bug: Everytime I try to add a change point detection panel through add panels in dashboard, the panel is always empty. Editing the panel with edit change point detection configuaration also doesn't help here. The only way user can see something here is if they click on "Open in AIops labs", and then go to ml->aiops->change point and play with their configuration there. They they need to remember the dashboard name to add this chart to the dashboard. This also leaves the original panel empty.

Is it possible to make this flow better? Give users some pointers when they add the change point embeddable in the dashboard. Also when I navigate to "Open in AIops labs" from the original empty changepoint panel - and if user edits the config, could we attach the results to the same panel. This way user doesn't have to remember the dashboard name.

Example: Here is a changepoint detection panel I have added and its empty:

Screenshot 2024-06-20 at 6 40 39 PM

If I click on "Open in AIops labs" - I see results for this config. Sometimes, I have to configure to see the results. Now if i click on attach charts because I want this in dashboard, the attach chart displays all my dashboards so I have to pick my dashboard.

Screenshot 2024-06-20 at 6 43 08 PM

And when I go back to my dashboard - these charts have been added but the original panel is still empty. Confusing.

Screenshot 2024-06-20 at 6 45 15 PM
elasticmachine commented 2 weeks ago

Pinging @elastic/ml-ui (:ml)

darnautov commented 2 weeks ago

I reckon the user flow is aligned with the rest of embeddables in Kibana. It's important to notice that change point detection only shows actual change points in the data, and not just plot the metric like the normal visualisation. So it's perfectly fine when there are no change points for a selected time range.

Also looking at you screenshot, I can see you created another configuration with different partitions, hence new panel shows some results.

We can consider the following ideas for change point embeddable:

  1. Always plot the metric, even if the change point isn't found. For single metric it's quite straightforward, but when the split field is involved it's a bit tricky, as we don't know what partitions are worth rendering.
  2. Create another UI action, e.g. "Configure in AIOps labs", where we not simply redirect the user to the ML UI, but also pass an embeddable state for further editing. I'm not sure though if it is common practice with embeddables and dashboard editing in general.
peteharverson commented 2 weeks ago

Create another UI action, e.g. "Configure in AIOps labs", where we not simply redirect the user to the ML UI, but also pass an embeddable state for further editing. I'm not sure though if it is common practice with embeddables and dashboard editing in general.

We could make the 'Edit change point charts' workflow consistent with the workflow for editing Lens visualization, where there's a link to 'Edit in Lens' and from there you can save and return to Dashboard with the changes applied to the visualization you had been editing.

Screenshot 2024-06-21 at 09 54 05
bhavyarm commented 1 week ago

@darnautov I got this. Is it possible to suggest a timerange pointer on the change point creation panel where there are changepoints? Thanks!

It's important to notice that change point detection only shows actual change points in the data, and not just plot the metric like the normal visualisation. So it's perfectly fine when there are no change points for a selected time range.