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[CDR][Findings page] Replace latest findings data view with global data view #187226

Open JordanSh opened 2 weeks ago

JordanSh commented 2 weeks ago


Currently, our findings page pulls data exclusively from the latest findings DataView. With the introduction of third-party (3P) integrations, starting with Wiz, we need to replace our data view query to include a generic index pattern that fetches data from all 3P integrations, specifically logs-*_latest_misconfigurations_cdr*.

Please refer to the detailed guide in the RFC Combining 3rd party data with native Cloud Security Posture data for comprehensive instructions.

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elasticmachine commented 2 weeks ago

Pinging @elastic/kibana-cloud-security-posture (Team:Cloud Security)

JordanSh commented 1 week ago

moving to blocked for now, no point to start working on data pulling until Investigate options to query findings to combine native and 3rd party data is done