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[Cloud Security] Add Source column to table and support Wiz Finding in Findings Flyout #187232

Open JordanSh opened 3 days ago

JordanSh commented 3 days ago



Add the source column to the findings table, at this stage, initially we will always display it by default. In this task we will add the logic to only display it when there are multiple sources while taking into account user's preference which will be saved to local storage.

In addition, add an info box which informs users about the new support for Wiz findings. Other integrations are not yet support at this stage and should not have a button. If a user closes this box, we should save this display state to local storage (at all?). In the next task, we will add logic to only display this info box to users with only 1 data source (what happens if the 1 data source is wiz? shouldn't the info box promote installing cspm? if we only want to display it to promote wiz/3p isnt the condition to display it should be "when 3p is not installed"?)

Flyout changes


The Flyout should support missing fields with relevant tooltips and preventing crashes. Display an info box at the top with a link, and also adjust the texts for 3Ps

Note that there are design/product notes in the Figma and it should be checked when implementing the changes

Definition of Done

Findings Table

Findings Flyout

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elasticmachine commented 3 days ago

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