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[Fleet] Stream-based programmatic API for installing packages #187646

Open banderror opened 3 days ago

banderror commented 3 days ago

Epics: https://github.com/elastic/security-team/issues/1974 (internal), https://github.com/elastic/kibana/issues/174168


Recently we had an incident in Serverless where Kibana instances would crash with an OOM because of an installation of the security_detection_engine Fleet package that Security Solution uses to distribute prebuilt detection rules. Fleet loads whole packages into memory before installing their assets, and this package had become too big for that. The incident has been mitigated by temporarily decreasing the number of assets in the package by ~50%. However, this is a short-term measure that we cannot keep for a long time. We need a fundamental solution to this problem in Fleet itself.

Our idea is to introduce a stream-based API for installing Fleet packages:

We hope this solution would help us prevent spikes in memory usage when installing the security_detection_engine package.


This is where/how Security Solution installs the package on the server side:


The corresponding method of the PackageClient is:


We would need a stream-based alternative of the ensureInstalledPackage method.

It could be done via adding an option to the existing method:

  ensureInstalledPackage(options: {
    pkgName: string;
    pkgVersion?: string;
    spaceId?: string;
    force?: boolean;
    stream?: boolean; // <-- NEW OPTION, by default is false
  }): Promise<Installation>;

Or via adding a new method:

  ensureInstalledPackageInStreamMode(options: {
    pkgName: string;
    pkgVersion?: string;
    spaceId?: string;
    force?: boolean;
  }): Promise<Installation>;
elasticmachine commented 3 days ago

Pinging @elastic/fleet (Team:Fleet)

elasticmachine commented 3 days ago

Pinging @elastic/security-detections-response (Team:Detections and Resp)

elasticmachine commented 3 days ago

Pinging @elastic/security-detection-rule-management (Team:Detection Rule Management)

elasticmachine commented 3 days ago

Pinging @elastic/security-solution (Team: SecuritySolution)

banderror commented 3 days ago

Hey @kpollich, here's the ticket we promised earlier. @xcrzx is going to switch to it next week (week of July 8). Could we please find someone to actively assist with it from the Fleet side (be available for questions, pair programming, code review, etc)?