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[RCA][Investigation detail page] Refine missing functionality from POC PR #188583

Closed mgiota closed 1 week ago

mgiota commented 1 month ago

Here's the the investigate app functionality ported in this PR migrated from this POC


There are quite a few features we would like to port from the initial POC to the investigate details page:

cc @maciejforcone @dgieselaar

maciejforcone commented 1 month ago

@mgiota we should keep time range selection, as it's part of V1, and by default it should use the duration from the alert.

jasonrhodes commented 1 week ago

I think we've moved most of these discussions into separate issues, if they are still outstanding, but to close the loop on these:

Undo/Redo functionality

We won't prioritize the history of changes for V1

Global filters (query bar, timerange picker)

We will keep this

List of previous investigations (relates to https://github.com/elastic/kibana/issues/187285) we need to clarify if we want to have a list page with all investigations or a list page plus a subsection of previously created investigations directly in the investigation details page

No need for a list of previous investigations on the detail page itself right now, but not a bad idea to think about introducing later -- for now we'll start with a main list of investigations that is on its own list page

Mini timeline (sticky section at the bottom part of the page with the created widgets, to which user could easily scroll to)

This is a nice feature, not prioritized for version 1

Actions applied to the widget delete edit lock ...TBD

delete and edit will be implemented, lock we will wait on -- I really like the lock functionality FWIW, and I think there's a good use case for that in this context.