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[SecuritySolution] Onboarding Hub revamp #189487

Open angorayc opened 1 month ago

angorayc commented 1 month ago

figma 1

figma 2

figma 3 - header card actions

UX: @bfishel

Screenshot 2024-08-22 at 17 29 20

8.16 UI styling tasks:

### Tasks
- [x] Align the header styles with the latest design - https://github.com/elastic/kibana/pull/189969
- [x] Confirm if we want to display ESS license type (Trial, basic, platinum, enterprise ) / Serverless product tier (complete / essential) @bfishel
- [x] Confirm what to display in ESS for the `Invite teammates` card @bfishel
- [x] Confirm the behaviour of `watch the video` @bfishel
- [x] Create the feature flag - https://github.com/elastic/kibana/pull/189620/files
- [ ] Do we want to use different videos for serverless / ESS ? @paulewing @bfishel

8.16 Data integration:

### Tasks
- [x] Decide the scope for 8.16 - styling changes + new integrations card but the integration configuration itself will exist in Fleet.
- [ ] Get fleet's component ready to be reused in 8.17 - https://github.com/elastic/kibana/issues/189632
- [x] Decide the name of the feature flag - `dataIngestionHubEnabled`
- [ ] Remove and simplify the rendering logic. see `Cards configs`
- [ ] Confirm the [categories](https://www.figma.com/board/W792jL7Uz7ZxMrjIMADj6J?node-id=2-22807#893109740) for ingesting data @bfishel - [proposed categories](https://elastic.slack.com/files/U0731BX4VK7/F07GB8T0TH8/sec_integrations_categories.txt?origin_team=T0CUZ52US&origin_channel=D06GQJP7DTQ&u=U0731BX4VK7&file_id=F07GB8T0TH8&name=sec_integrations_categories.txt)
- [ ] Confirm if we want to keep track of the completed steps  @bfishel
- [ ] Create a Tabs component for rendering the integration category
- [ ] Remove the redundant logic https://github.com/elastic/kibana/pull/190529


### Tasks
- [ ] The integration configuration will exist in a modal of the onboarding hub.
- [ ] Reuse Fleet's component
- [ ] Users can install data in the onboarding hub without going to other page.
- [ ] Add a **progress indicator** component to be displayed at the top of the installation form. (Add integration > Config integration > Add agent)

Cards configs:

const cards = [{
  id: 'integrations'
  sectionId: OnboardingSection.ingest,
  title: i18n.translate('xpack.securitySolution.onboardingCards.ingestTitle', {
    defaultMessage: 'Ingest data',
  logoType: EuiIconType,
  autoCheck?: (setStatus: (complete: boolean) => void) => {

  component: ComponentType<{setStatus: (complete: boolean) => void}>,
  capabilities: RequiredCapabilities,
  upsellingSection: 'ai-assistant',
elasticmachine commented 1 month ago

Pinging @elastic/security-threat-hunting-explore (Team:Threat Hunting:Explore)