elastic / kibana

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Failing test: Rules Management - Prebuilt Rules Management Integration Tests - Serverless Env - Complete License.x-pack/test/security_solution_api_integration/test_suites/detections_response/rules_management/prebuilt_rules/management/trial_license_complete_tier/get_prebuilt_rules_status·ts - Rules Management - Prebuilt Rules - Prebuilt Rules Management @ess @serverless @skipInServerlessMKI Prebuilt Rules status get_prebuilt_rules_status should return empty structure when no prebuilt rule assets #190960

Open kibanamachine opened 3 weeks ago

kibanamachine commented 3 weeks ago

A test failed on a tracked branch

JestAssertionError: expect(received).toMatchObject(expected)

- Expected  - 2
+ Received  + 2

  Object {
    "num_prebuilt_rules_installed": 0,
-   "num_prebuilt_rules_to_install": 0,
+   "num_prebuilt_rules_to_install": 216,
    "num_prebuilt_rules_to_upgrade": 0,
-   "num_prebuilt_rules_total_in_package": 0,
+   "num_prebuilt_rules_total_in_package": 216,
    at Context.<anonymous> (get_prebuilt_rules_status.ts:42:23)
    at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
    at Object.apply (wrap_function.js:73:16) {
  matcherResult: {
    message: '\x1B[2mexpect(\x1B[22m\x1B[31mreceived\x1B[39m\x1B[2m).\x1B[22mtoMatchObject\x1B[2m(\x1B[22m\x1B[32mexpected\x1B[39m\x1B[2m)\x1B[22m\n' +
      '\n' +
      '\x1B[32m- Expected  - 2\x1B[39m\n' +
      '\x1B[31m+ Received  + 2\x1B[39m\n' +
      '\n' +
      '\x1B[2m  Object {\x1B[22m\n' +
      '\x1B[2m    "num_prebuilt_rules_installed": 0,\x1B[22m\n' +
      '\x1B[32m-   "num_prebuilt_rules_to_install": 0,\x1B[39m\n' +
      '\x1B[31m+   "num_prebuilt_rules_to_install": 216,\x1B[39m\n' +
      '\x1B[2m    "num_prebuilt_rules_to_upgrade": 0,\x1B[22m\n' +
      '\x1B[32m-   "num_prebuilt_rules_total_in_package": 0,\x1B[39m\n' +
      '\x1B[31m+   "num_prebuilt_rules_total_in_package": 216,\x1B[39m\n' +
      '\x1B[2m  }\x1B[22m',
    pass: false

First failure: kibana-on-merge - main

elasticmachine commented 3 weeks ago

Pinging @elastic/security-detection-rule-management (Team:Detection Rule Management)

elasticmachine commented 3 weeks ago

Pinging @elastic/security-solution (Team: SecuritySolution)

elasticmachine commented 3 weeks ago

Pinging @elastic/security-detections-response (Team:Detections and Resp)

banderror commented 3 weeks ago

This test failure and https://github.com/elastic/kibana/issues/190952 are failures of the same test get_prebuilt_rules_status should return empty structure when no prebuilt rule assets in two different builds and in both ESS and Serverless.

Both test runs were retried and succeeded, but nonetheless it strongly feels as flakiness of the test itself. The test expects to have 0 prebuilt rule assets in the index but there are clearly some of them, which might indicate an issue with test isolation.

I'll skip the test if it continues to fail and our team will work on fixing it next week.

kibanamachine commented 3 weeks ago

New failure: kibana-on-merge - main

delanni commented 3 weeks ago

@banderror - we're getting anomaly warnings about this failing on several PR builds also, so it's confirmed to be flaky. I suggest skipping this as it may well be blocking devs

kibanamachine commented 3 weeks ago

New failure: kibana-on-merge - main

kibanamachine commented 3 weeks ago

New failure: kibana-on-merge - main

delanni commented 3 weeks ago


kibanamachine commented 3 weeks ago


main: c4a39e1291dc3c8e23db0104a8270c0b39324fd1

banderror commented 3 weeks ago

@delanni Yes, now it's clear that it's a flaky test. Thanks for skipping.