elastic / kibana

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Failing test: Observability AI Assistant API Integration tests (enterprise).x-pack/test/observability_ai_assistant_api_integration/tests/knowledge_base/knowledge_base_migration·spec·ts - Observability AI Assistant API tests knowledge_base/knowledge_base_migration.spec.ts When there are knowledge base entries (from 8.15 or earlier) that does not contain semantic_text embeddings after migrating the docs have semantic_text embeddings #202926

Open kibanamachine opened 9 hours ago

kibanamachine commented 9 hours ago

A test failed on a tracked branch

Error: expected false to equal true
    at Assertion.assert (expect.js:100:11)
    at Assertion.apply (expect.js:227:8)
    at Assertion.be (expect.js:69:22)
    at Context.<anonymous> (knowledge_base_migration.spec.ts:95:46)
    at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
    at Object.apply (wrap_function.js:74:16)

First failure: kibana-on-merge - main

elasticmachine commented 9 hours ago

Pinging @elastic/obs-ai-assistant (Team:Obs AI Assistant)