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Authentication #3904

Closed rashidkpc closed 8 years ago

rashidkpc commented 9 years ago

Kibana authentication layer, phase 1

In the first phase of Kibana’s authentication system we’re focus on just that: authentication. That is, a clean way of allowing for login, logout and sessions that doesn’t require HTTP basic auth to be configured or a proxy to be setup. Authentication will be disabled by default, but enabled via kibana.yml

The login screen

Like any other web application this provides the ability to enter a username and password which will be sent to the server for validation. If validation succeeds the user is allowed into the application, if not they are returned to the login screen.

The session

Before even presenting the login screen we need to check if the user is already logged in. This means we need to keep a session.

Because Elasticsearch has no built in authentication mechanism we don’t consider it a secure location for session storage, thus the user’s client will need to be the authority on the session. Here we’ll use an encrypted cookie containing username:password:timestamp which will be encrypted by the server using a key provided in kibana.yml.

Potential pitfall: Session stealing

Because the cookie will contain everything the user needs to login, it will be vulnerable to session stealing like many other applications. To mitigate this concern we 2 lines of defense:

Regardless of if the user is coming with existing credentials in a cookie, or via a new login, the user will need to be authenticated server side in some way. The user will in fact be re-validated with every request, thus allowing for users to be quickly invalidated simply by removing them from the auth system. Initially we’ll provide a pluggable authentication system with 2 pre-built modules:

The auth strategy module should contain 3 functions:

We should add a logout button to the navigation bar. When the user logs out they should be return to the login screen.

rtoma commented 9 years ago

Some feedback:

Please do not forget about authorization. Limiting access to the settings is one of the more popular feature requests.
megastef commented 9 years ago

+1 use passport for authentication https://www.npmjs.com/package/passport All this exists already in the passport module.

  1. Using http basich auth / .htpasswd is not sufficent - epecially enterprise users might want LDAP/Kerberos and other methods.
  2. I would suggest to expose an API Hook (like you have already in auth.js) or even better integrate passport and read a configuration file (or .js file) for passport (which could be basic auth / .htpasswd as default)
  3. The complete list of authentication Strategies supported by passport: https://github.com/jaredhanson/passport/wiki/Strategies
AlexIoannides commented 9 years ago

+1 for passport authentication.

ssoto commented 9 years ago

Passport apport many authentication Strategies Easy way to add functionalities without many effort. :+1:

bluepuma77 commented 9 years ago

My two cents: Enable authentication by default. a) Newbies who test deploy on internet servers do not expose data unintentionally b) Pros will do configuration anyway, can simply switch it off

In case you wonder why: because humans make mistakes. And that would be bad press for Elastic. Students find 40k unprotected MongoDB databases, 8 million telco customer records exposed

elvarb commented 9 years ago

.htpasswd is in my opinion not a good way. Hard to manage and basically just a pain. Implementing this will be a waste of time because eventually other and better options will be made.

Basic auth proxy is a valid way because then the user can use whatever authentication method on the reverse proxy. Nginx, Apache, IISARR, F5, Citrix, anything at all. For many people means that they dont have to change a thing since many are already using authentication on the reverse proxy.

If this is used then SSL should be on the reverse proxy side and optional on the Kibana side.

But yes +1 for passport, people need LDAP/Kerberos.

Are there any plans now for ACLs?

tangyong commented 9 years ago

Well, +1 for passport authentication.

benediktarnold commented 9 years ago

+1 for passport. This would allow me to use SAML

andrely commented 9 years ago

+1for LDAP/AD authentication.

delfuego commented 9 years ago

+1000 for auth-on-by-default. +1 for LDAP/AD authentication integration, or at least for using a framework (Passport!) that allows integration with tons of providers.

vus520 commented 9 years ago

+1024 great

JonZeolla commented 9 years ago

+1 for LDAP/AD auth

vkadam commented 9 years ago

+1 For LDAP/AD Auth +1 For passport Suggestion to use JWT for encryption Will be happy to help for implementation for any of the functionality needed for authentication.

kaikao commented 9 years ago

+1 for passport!

dannymeijer commented 9 years ago

What about different user types?

Such as Basic Users (read-only), Priviledged users (people that can change stuff and create visualizations, etc) and Power Users/Admins (People that can manage who has access).

Having support for that would be awesome (on top of authorization).

ohTHATaaronbrown commented 9 years ago

What about OAuth? We already use that extensively elsewhere in our organization, and it's what we use in the wrapper auth proxy we have around kibana now.

I, for one, would really, really, really rather not have to support yet another custom, one-off authentication repository.

dannymeijer commented 9 years ago

SAML/Getaccess would be nice too

molszanski commented 9 years ago

@rashidkpc, are you working on this internally or smb can make a fork and make it happen?

jornane commented 9 years ago

Please support Passport. Since it already supports many strategies (including OAuth2), it will cover most use cases.

elain commented 9 years ago

for CAS auth

xiagujinqiao commented 8 years ago

+1 for LDAP

pemontto commented 8 years ago


barryhatfield commented 8 years ago

+1 for LDAP

german23 commented 8 years ago

+1 for LDAP

matttharma commented 8 years ago

+1 for LDAP

marioschaefer commented 8 years ago

+1 for LDAP

acs commented 8 years ago


elain commented 8 years ago

+1 for CAS

wellingtonanastacio commented 8 years ago

Does anyone noticed that when using a CAS with a Proxy the Kibana 4.2 stopped to work well? I had a proxy authentincation (Apache) using Oracle Access Manager (CAS) working fine with Kibana 4.1.2 over a Cent OS.

Sadly, when I tried to make the same configuration on Kibana 4.2 I noticed that the integration doesn't work anymore because some new implementation conflicts with the cookie created by the authenticator. If a turn on the Oracle Access Manager to authenticate, the effect is that, besides using the same configuration used with Kibana 4.1.2, the Kibana 4.2 crashes and I get an error message like this: "{"statusCode":400,"error":"Bad Request","message":"Invalid cookie value"}"

jeromefroe commented 8 years ago


mogadanez commented 8 years ago

You should see on grafana as prior art. There is a lot of options there out of the box

drolfe commented 8 years ago


etiennepouliot commented 8 years ago


damm commented 8 years ago

I don't think anyone needs to +1 this issue; it's assigned and on the roadmap. You just notify 30+ other people with your +1.

shaharmor commented 8 years ago

What about adding a specific filter to all requests coming from a specific user? for example for api key filtering

tamilsweet commented 8 years ago

Waiting for this feature. What is the planned release date for this?

megastef commented 8 years ago

For your inspiration: Grafana API (already available) - having pluggable authentication for integrations with 3rd parties http://docs.grafana.org/reference/http_api/

stackoverflower commented 8 years ago

Any plans to support Azure Active Directory authentication?

blindpet commented 8 years ago

@tamilsweet I am wondering the same thing, is it available in any Kibana 5 snapshots?

ddes commented 8 years ago

Any news about passport auth ? is it plan to support it soon ?

Thanks a lot

chakrayadavalli commented 8 years ago


bwalsh commented 8 years ago


acs commented 8 years ago

@rashidkpc @lukasolson in Bitergia we plan to invest effort next weeks in authentication and basic authorization (read only and read and write). Right now we are using reverse proxy for auth but if we can help in this Authentication issue for Kibana (is there some proof of concept or some code already done?) it could be great.

rashidkpc commented 8 years ago

We've folded support for authentication into Elastic's Shield plugin: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/shield/current/kibana.html. Authentication against custom services can be accomplished through Shield support for custom realms: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/shield/current/custom-realms.html

We decided to go in this direction because we wanted Elasticsearch fully protected and integrating with shield allows us to use the same auth system whether coming through Kibana or going directly to elasticsearch

elvarb commented 8 years ago

@rashidkpc Makes sense, but will Shield still be behind enterprise support contracts or might we see a subset of Shield opensource/free with limited basic features that can be used for Kibana authentication?

rashidkpc commented 8 years ago

Shield is only available with a subscription, I can't be sure what the future holds.

rtoma commented 8 years ago

Elastic software is great, but I do not like that it is using security as a commercial selling point.

Like @elvarb suggests: make a subset of Shield opensource, so users can protect themselves and Elastic can say its taking security of its software and all its users very seriously.

Users should want a subscription by themselves. Not being forced to it.

elvarb commented 8 years ago

Exactly @rtoma, Shield is in itself is a fantastic solution that goes so much further than what most people are doing already with reverse proxies. If we compare ELK to something like Graylog then Graylog has two features that ELK lacks, Authentication and Alerting. These two features are becoming more and more essential and I fear that some will move to other solution than ELK because these are lacking.

So what I would love to see Elastic try to keep ELK as close to the competition as possible when it comes to logging. When it comes to other use cases than logging for Elasticsearch and ELK as a whole then the full feature set of Shield and Watcher are unbeatable. So just some basic functionality of Shield and possibly Watcher would help Elastic immensely.

The logging use case of ELK is just the gateway to more business focused use cases.

pieterlange commented 8 years ago

Seconded @rtoma. Though anyone paying attention to this issue should've noticed by now that elastic.co isn't going to undermine their own product offerings. I'd rather they leverage some different aspect than security for this.

With kibana3 it was at least doable to hack your own very basic authentication/authorization framework on top by just doing URL filtering in a reverse proxy. This was enough for me to introduce ELK at my clients and later on help them towards a commercial support license, once the value of this tooling has been demonstrated. This is not possible anymore with kibana4, and kibana3/facets have been deprecated as of ES2.0 (with good reason).

Still this all feels very forced..

lukasgraf commented 8 years ago

I have to agree with @rtoma and @pieterlange here - the fact that just basic access control is put behind a paywall with Shield struck me as sketchy from the moment I saw it (but I was lead to believe that via this issue some very fundamental authentication would be put in place). I don't need consulting / support, monitoring, alerting, etc. - all I need is for my client's data in Kibana not to be public to the world by default.

Yeah, I can lock it down using some reverse proxy or iptables rules, but I shouldn't have to do that.

Worse yet, you can't even purchase a license for Shield separately from a subscription (last I checked), and subscription fees aren't public - you'll have to get a quote first.