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Gantt chart widget #3998

Closed akivaElkayam closed 6 months ago

akivaElkayam commented 9 years ago

Add the Gantt chart widget to the widget list

rashidkpc commented 9 years ago

Can you elaborate on what you're looking for and why? Helpful things include:

  1. Example use cases
  2. Screenshots
  3. Aggregations that would produce the desired data.
akivaElkayam commented 9 years ago

Hi, lets say I have array of actions in this format [{ actionType:'',status:good,startDate:'' ,endDate:'' ...}] I would like to diaplay this data in a widget that can put each of that row on a the timeline from the startDate to the endDate , and have the ablity to aggregate by actionType and status gantt_chart

nicocesar commented 9 years ago


eroussel commented 9 years ago

I'd like to add an additional use-case for a "gantt-like" visualization.

One of the things we store in Elasticsearch are transaction traces that contain information such as response/service time, amount of data processed, etc.

It would be very valuable to somehow present that information in a similar way that browser dev tools show where the browser spends its time when processing a request.

akivaElkayam commented 9 years ago

Great example .. this is exactly what we need

bertol83 commented 9 years ago


madmouser1 commented 9 years ago


oneswig commented 8 years ago

+1, I would very much like to see this.

davmrtl commented 8 years ago


chenryn commented 8 years ago


cphoover commented 8 years ago


cphoover commented 8 years ago

This would be useful for displaying transaction traces

cmanaha commented 8 years ago


kreativitea commented 8 years ago


elvarb commented 8 years ago

Would be great if it did not require a start time and end time fields but would also be able to use a start time and duration field. Defining the format of the duration field is essential in the visualization.

More useful because the duration field exists in many cases.

sofam commented 8 years ago

+1 would be extremely useful for our web logs and app traces

hasSoumya commented 8 years ago

+1 - use case : timestamp based events happening across a large company. I'd like correlate them visually on a specific time period. E.g. What changes went out across all micro services during a specific time period.

tianchao-haohan commented 8 years ago


davidonlaptop commented 8 years ago


baadc0de commented 8 years ago


mgoria commented 8 years ago


jachinte commented 8 years ago


sebastienbonami commented 8 years ago


florinandone commented 8 years ago


ksilin commented 8 years ago


pshivale commented 8 years ago


kingigi commented 8 years ago


alexbahelsentient commented 8 years ago

+1 - any progress with Gantt chart for Kibana/ELK? Use case: to show online status of nodes. x axis is time, y axis - list of nodes with start/stop or up/down.

JontyMC commented 7 years ago


trieder83 commented 7 years ago


kitfactory commented 7 years ago


dairaine commented 7 years ago


alain2208 commented 7 years ago

adding to this 'horizontal line case' i can add this telecom world case. on telecom we gathered 'communication cdr' that contains start date:time and stop date: time or call duration.

as a telecom designer it's important to size telecom links in a number of simultaneaous call. So tracing only start and end point is not enough. those 2 point are interisting to have the 'dynamic' how may calls start during an interval but , to be able to size we need to know how many calls open at the same time. so even if details for each call could be useful (start time duration'display as an horizontal line. the more need is to have a cummultaive view in the end along a day it gives something like that some sort of hat with a peak in the morning and the afternoon.


iainlbc commented 7 years ago


avkom commented 7 years ago


mpaduada commented 7 years ago

Gantt charts are pretty standard for highlighting contiguous periods of time during which a service or machine held a particular status. And given that users often want to narrow their search context based on the period during which a machine or service held a particular status, this type of visualization absolutely connects to Elasticsearch's core search functionality.

In one of our main use cases, we might know from log data that a machine has one of four states: Setup, Running, Down, Maintenance. gantt example 1

The data underlying such a visualization may have both start and end timestamps

   "status" : "Setup",
   "startTime" : "2017-07-04T00:00:00.000Z",
   "endTime" : "2017-07-04T01:30:00.000Z"
   "status" : "Running",
   "startTime" : "2017-07-04T01:30:00.000Z",
   "endTime" : "2017-07-04T04:45:00.000Z"

or start timestamps and durations

   "status" : "Setup",
   "timestamp" : "2017-07-04T00:00:00.000Z",
   "duration" : "5400"
   "status" : "Running",
   "timestamp" : "2017-07-04T01:30:00.000Z",
   "duration" : "11700"

or even just start timestamps

   "status" : "Setup",
   "timestamp" : "2017-07-04T00:00:00.000Z"
   "status" : "Running",
   "timestamp" : "2017-07-04T01:30:00.000Z"

In the last data example, it is assumed that a machine holds a particular state until an event occurs that explicitly initiates a new state.

Kibana is currently incapable of producing visualizations that correspond to the above document data examples. It can be faked, in a clunky way, with the Heat Map visualization by transforming each of the above documents into a collection of documents corresponding to each second. However, it's a waste of resources to produce 86400 one-second documents for each 24-hour period whose only use is this one visualization, and it's not feasible to reproduce that document set each time the visualization is called.

Here's an alternative visualization (though it won't work for the previously mentioned use cases): gantt example 2

Ideally in implementation, a user would be able to click on a coloured bar and the resulting filter would be both an adjustment of the time range to that of the bar and a term filter on the status (or whatever keyword is used define the different rows).

brenol commented 7 years ago


azaharia1987 commented 7 years ago


cezary-draus commented 7 years ago


schosterbarak commented 6 years ago


n3wtn9 commented 6 years ago


rom1b31 commented 6 years ago


wksmall commented 6 years ago


sasauz commented 6 years ago

I've started to implement plugin here: https://github.com/sasauz/kibana_vis_gantt

georgezoto commented 6 years ago


suikast42 commented 6 years ago


alexsanjoseph commented 6 years ago


asaflevi1983 commented 6 years ago


orijel commented 6 years ago


liliamu commented 6 years ago
