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Connector end-to-end tests #58244

Open pmuellr opened 4 years ago

pmuellr commented 4 years ago

Kibana's connectors communicate with external systems. To ensure they function correctly, we need a suite of tests where Kibana's connectors communicate with external systems and the results are properly validated. The existing Kibana functional tests are mocking the external systems, so they are not sufficient for ensuring that the connectors continue to behave correctly.

Watcher actions are tested end-to-end using secrets that are stored in vault. Therefore, we should follow a similar approach here. However, we will need to take into consideration that not all Kibana developers will have access to vault, but we want to ensure these tests are always ran as part of CI on a continuous basis.

The qaf-tests's rac.yml does have some of these connectors configured for use by alerting-rules; however, there are no tests to ensure that the connectors are communicating with the external system correctly.

Full list of connectors, their owner, whether the connector is setup in the qaf-tests, and the status of their end-to-end tests ran by CI. Connector Owner Connector setup in qaf-tests CI E2E Tests
Email @elastic/response-ops Yes No
Slack @elastic/response-ops Yes No
Slack API @elastic/response-ops No No
PagerDuty @elastic/response-ops Yes No
Service Now - ITSM @elastic/response-ops No No
Service Now - SecOps @elastic/response-ops No No
Service Now - ITOM @elastic/response-ops Yes No
Webhook @elastic/response-ops No No
IBM Resilient @elastic/response-ops Yes No
Jira @elastic/response-ops Yes No
Microsoft Teams @elastic/response-ops No No
Swimlane @elastic/response-ops Yes No
xMatters @elastic/response-ops Yes No
Webhook - Case Management @elastic/response-ops No No
OpsGenie @elastic/response-ops No No
Torq Security Solution No No
Tines Security Solution No No
OpenAI @elastic/obs-knowledge-team No No
Amazon Bedrock @elastic/security-generative-ai No No
D3 Security Security Solution No No
SentinelOne @elastic/security-defend-workflows No No
elasticmachine commented 4 years ago

Pinging @elastic/kibana-alerting-services (Team:Alerting Services)

mikecote commented 2 years ago

I chatted with @tylersmalley on this topic. I'll leave these notes for whenever we pick this up.

It sounds like supporting this isn't too complex from an operations perspective. We need to find a way to connect credentials in the vault to our connectors and create a pipeline to periodically run the tests (nightly, on PRs when code in folder X changes, etc.).

LeeDr commented 2 years ago

We have some tests in a private integration-test repo that are semi-automated. For example, a watch that emails PDF and PNGs of a dashboard and we (QA team) visually check those emails.

pmuellr commented 2 years ago

Ya, I think we probably have an option of doing this via FT somehow (that doesn't run all the time), or the private integration test repo. We can defer on picking one of those right now, and decide on which is best once we start working on the issue.

EricDavisX commented 2 years ago

I may look into this at some point, based on prioritization among Response Ops tasks. I'd like to know about the private repo if you can ping me @LeeDr (not urgent). I suspect the elastic/machine-learning-qa repo may be a potential home for the framework needs as well, the MLR-QA team is starting to build out some Rules/Alerts/Cases/Connectors data. I'll note this issue as part of my info gathering.

EricDavisX commented 2 years ago

As I get into it more, the ML-QA repo is very accommodating to this type of test need. And of note, the jest tests are fairly good: https://github.com/elastic/kibana/blob/main/x-pack/plugins/actions/server/builtin_action_types/email.test.ts

The functional side tests with 'live' connectors would catch if the 3rd party api's fail, and would be needed if we add new versions or a new connector overall.

FYI - Docs for connectors are here. I'm following up with if we have private instances of some of them we can/should re-use. https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/kibana/current/action-types.html

EricDavisX commented 2 years ago

I had a quick meeting with RespOps engineers to get initial info on what we have setup that we can re-use, i'll find the right place and will store off the connectivity for more of us to see.

EricDavisX commented 2 years ago

I updated the description with a tentative plan and list of connectors. @dolaru particularly fyi. I've posted to the ResponseOps team to see if any takers want to work with this me. I can prioritize it later, time frame TBD. for now I'll ty to work it little by little when I need to de-focus from my primary work.

EricDavisX commented 1 year ago

FYI - this was prioritized for the MLR-QA Team's Q3 work, and we expect to have updates on 2 fronts soon: