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Kibana Globalization #6515

Closed srl295 closed 6 years ago

srl295 commented 8 years ago

Kibana Globalization

Note: These requirements were originally written up over a year ago. Take any specific implementation details with a grain of salt. Phases that were already implemented should be reevaluated to make sure they still make sense, especially in light of the new kibana platform work.


Architecture Diagram

This was our original plan, but it might need to change dramatically for the new platform


Phase 1

Note this phase was completed, but it's possible the implementation might need to change for the new platform. Most of the code lives here


Decide Language for Translation Algorithm

I18n Class


        "UI-WELCOME_MESSAGE": "Loading Kibana",
        "UI-WELCOME_ERROR": "Kibana did not load properly. Check the server output for more information."

UiI18n Class

Tool for Verifying All Translations have Translatable Strings


Phase 2


Translations Available Client Side

Translation Identifiers Added to Kibana UI


    <div class="sidebar-list">

    <div class="sidebar-list-header">
        <h5>Selected Fields</h5>


    <div class="sidebar-list">

    <div class="sidebar-list-header">
        <h5 translate="FIELDS_SELECTEDFIELDS"></h5>

Tool for Verifying All Translations have Translatable Strings (Update)

Translation Plugin Generator


Phase 3


Translation Identifiers Added to Kibana UI


Phase 4


Handling Language Packs



Open Questions/Issues


This section has links to prior versions of this issue text.


Bargs commented 8 years ago

Looking pretty good. Issue description updated, as well as my checklist. Just a couple of open items left.

hickeyma commented 8 years ago

@Bargs thanks!

hickeyma commented 8 years ago

@Bargs WRT "registering the core plugin translations" in delivery section of phase 1 of #6515, this could be updated as follows:

Additionally, maybe the "Blockers" section can now be cleaned up?

hickeyma commented 8 years ago

@Bargs WRT Jade template verification in delivery section of phase 1 of #6515, this could be updated as follows:

Bargs commented 8 years ago

@hickeyma lgtm - description updated.

Bargs commented 8 years ago

@hickeyma so I was thinking more about the core plugin registration problem and I'm starting to question whether we even need to build this intermediate json bundle per language. Due to the simple, flat translation file structure we've chosen we could easily build a single unified JSON object from multiple file streams on the fly. The i18n plugin would only need to keep track of the translation file paths per language. This would simplify a number of things:

What do you think?

hickeyma commented 8 years ago

@Bargs good feedback, thanks.

Are you saying that we now just register the translation files names per plugin when the plugin is being initialized? Does this mean the plugins still have to register with the i18n plugin but not during the install phase of the plugin? That would definitely simplify the infrastructure hooks difficulty. It probably doesn't matter then if you register just the filename or the actual file?

srl295 commented 8 years ago

(I'm coming off of NodeSummit, just getting to some more detailed review.) @Bargs this makes some sense.

Bargs commented 8 years ago

@hickeyma yeah, basically the i18n plugin just needs a reference to each translation file and knowledge of which language it contains. I think each plugin would still be responsible for explicitly registering its translation files with the i18n plugin during init time, just like how plugins currently register their routes with Hapi at init time.

shikhasriva commented 8 years ago

@Matt and @hickeyma , this will simplify the approach for sure. And removes the install dependency. I do like this approach

LeeDr commented 8 years ago

I'm not clear if the initial phases are providing a translation at the server level and all users see only that one language, and then in Phase 3 it uses the browser HTTP header “accept-language” to translate per users browser language? Can we add notes to the phase descriptions to make it clear what the functionality is?

We might also want to start a discussion about which phases might be release candidates. It can happen later, but I wouldn't want a bunch of contributors to have an expectation about getting a release with some phase functionality and Elastic deciding not to release until some other phase. For example, translations for the whole server and not on a per-user basis.

srl295 commented 8 years ago

a translation at the server level and all users see only that one language

I don't think this "one language" step is part of the plan. The current PR (phase 1) already translates, using accept-language, on a per-browser basis— it's just that only the "kibana is starting up" and one other error message are translated. Phase 4 has the "Translation Identifiers Added to Kibana UI" step which actually allows the rest of the UI to be translated. Hope this helps!

hickeyma commented 8 years ago

@LeeDr thanks for the feedback.

a translation at the server level and all users see only that one language

To elaborate on @srl295 description above, the idea here is to deliver in a phased approach. The phases 1-3 is to put the i18n infrastructure in place and show it working end-to-end in Kibana. The key part is the i18n plugin which provides means to supply translations in a standard format that it not dependent on a localization framework. The proof of this is to translate the welcome string in Kibana. Phase 4 is about translating the rest of the UI using the underlying i18n plugin to get the strings.

Can we add notes to the phase descriptions to make it clear what the functionality is?

Sure, can do. That is a good idea.

We might also want to start a discussion about which phases might be release candidates.

This is on the TODO list with @Bargs and @epixa.

hickeyma commented 8 years ago

@Bargs, @LeeDr I have updated the design doc kibana-proposal-update as per your feedback. Let me know if I have covered all the angles.

@Bargs, @srl295 could you update the main ticket description?

srl295 commented 8 years ago

@hickeyma done!

hickeyma commented 8 years ago

Thanks @srl295

hickeyma commented 8 years ago

@Bargs, @srl295, could you also add this line to i18n Plugin (update) in Phase 2 of #6515:

hickeyma commented 8 years ago

@Bargs, @epixa, @shikhasriva, @spalger, @ycombinator, @cjcenizal, @thomasneirynck, @tylersmalley, @bevacqua, @simianhacker, @BigFunger, @jbudz, @ppisljar Thank you all for attending the red-team review yesterday and for your feedback. Let me know if I forgotten anyone.

Here are notes from the review (thanks to @Bargs for taking notes!):

Feel free to comment and give feedback especially if anything has been forgotten!

hickeyma commented 8 years ago

I have updated the design doc kibana-proposal-update with the feedback leaving unresolved items as open or blockers.

Maybe for the moment, we use it as an intermediate document and only update the main document when we are ready?

shikhasriva commented 8 years ago

Thats works fine. @hickeyma , Thanks for aggregating the comments

srl295 commented 8 years ago

responding to https://github.com/elastic/kibana/issues/6515#issuecomment-237287195 very late

yaml instead of JSON…

I'd recommend JSON as it is more commonly used in translation systems.

Bargs commented 8 years ago

@ycombinator you had some compelling reasons about using YAML, could you share them here?

ycombinator commented 8 years ago

Sure, I don't feel strongly about either choice but, in a past i18n project YAML was chosen over JSON for a couple of reasons:

Those are the two reasons I recall at the moment. If I think of others I'll add them to the comment. But again, I don't personally feel strongly about one being strictly better than the other.

Also, we could go with JSON initially and start accepting YAML at a later point in time if we start to run into the above reasons in practice.

hickeyma commented 8 years ago

@ycombinator Thanks for the feedback. For now, we will use JSON. We can always provide a YAML to JSON converter if that is the preference for localization engineers.

hickeyma commented 8 years ago

What do we do when the requested language exists, but it doesn't cover all translations keys (for instance, there are French translations for a plugin but not core Kibana)? Do we fill in the missing keys with the default language?

Refer to i18n plugin pr comment for more details.

hickeyma commented 8 years ago

Decide the phases to be delivered in the Elastic release candidates

Discussed with @Bargs. Not necessary for the feature. More for Elastic internal QA.

hickeyma commented 8 years ago

@srl295, @Bargs I have updated the design doc kibana-proposal-update. Could you update the design doc when you get a chance?

Bargs commented 8 years ago


hickeyma commented 8 years ago

@Bargs thanks

shikhasriva commented 8 years ago

thanks ... great collaboration and awesome progress.

hickeyma commented 7 years ago

@srl295, @Bargs, @spalger I have updated the design doc kibana-proposal-update following some changes in Phase 1. Could you update the design doc when you get a chance pls.?

hickeyma commented 7 years ago

@Bargs, @spalger I wonder should we re-examine the design again following the merge of "Phase 1"? I started a Phase 2 PR (https://github.com/elastic/kibana/pull/8766) and @posijon is working on it. Maybe we should see if current design still applies for the phase?

spalger commented 7 years ago

It might be worth taking a look. There are things, like pulling the translations from a rest api, that I would push back on.

Bargs commented 7 years ago

Yeah we should definitely take a look and make sure we're on the same page. The REST API bit, for instance, I don't think has been updated since our "red team" meeting. At that time I believe we said we'd try embedding the translations in the initial page load first.

Also, issue description updated.

hickeyma commented 7 years ago

Great stuff @Bargs and @spalger. Lets try and sync-up on IRC and work out how to progress for phase 2 and 3.

hickeyma commented 7 years ago

@Bargs, @epixa, @shikhasriva, @spalger, @posijon Thank you all for attending the sync-up yesterday and for your feedback.

Here are notes from the meeting (let me know if I have misrepresented anything):

hickeyma commented 7 years ago

@Bargs, @spalger Updated the design doc after yesterday's meeting as kibana-proposal-update. Could you update the design doc when you get a chance pls.?

Bargs commented 7 years ago


yuwtennis commented 7 years ago


hickeyma commented 7 years ago

@spalger Updated the design doc kibana-proposal-update. Could you update the design doc when you get a chance pls.?

spalger commented 7 years ago

Could you update the design doc when you get a chance pls.?

Sorry, which design doc are you referring to?

srl295 commented 7 years ago

@spalger he's asking for this issue ^^ ’s text to be updated from the above gist. As issue creator I was able to do it - so Done

hickeyma commented 7 years ago

Thanks @srl295

hickeyma commented 7 years ago

@spalger unfortunately no rights on the doc to update!

srl295 commented 7 years ago

FYI: 🎦 posted blog+movie showing off g11n progress so far https://srl295.github.io/2017/03/17/translating-kibana/

tangyong commented 7 years ago

Great work so far! @srl295

elkusr commented 7 years ago

Thanks for all the great work! When can we expect phase 3 to be available?

epixa commented 7 years ago

@elkusr There's no target yet for phase 3, and there's still some work in phase 2 to complete first now that Kibana is using react so much.

zzvara commented 6 years ago

How are these efforts progressing now?

Is that correct, that the tasks presented in (https://srl295.github.io/2017/03/17/translating-kibana/) can be used to add any language to a Kibana instance (for example 5.6)? In other words, adding another language to Kibana is feasible as of this writing, it just takes a "little" effort, and that Phase 3 is about to ease this effort?

epixa commented 6 years ago

@zzvara It isn't possible to translate Kibana right now. Phases 2 and 3 need to be completed before you can translate templates across Kibana.