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Kibana Regex query authoring tools #66735

Open markharwood opened 4 years ago

markharwood commented 4 years ago

With the forthcoming wildcard field we can look forward to faster regex queries which are very powerful but are notoriously tricky for users to write or read. Regex authoring and testing tools are common e.g. https://regex101.com/r/2DUzac/1/


A tool consists of 4 things: 1) A place to enter a regular expression pattern 2) A place to enter example documents 3) An English explanation of what the pattern is looking to find 4) The results of running the given pattern on the example docs

I'm happy to help with the elasticsearch APIs that would help underpin this (we are already opening up some things in Lucene to help with pattern explanations).

I've added some labels to this issue which I thought might be relevant - Console might be a natural home and users in the security space are most likely to be interested in help with authoring regular expressions.

elasticmachine commented 4 years ago

Pinging @elastic/es-ui (Team:Elasticsearch UI)