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[Fleet] Improve endpoint security onboarding experience #72688

Open mostlyjason opened 3 years ago

mostlyjason commented 3 years ago

Summary of the problem

The current path for adding endpoint security starting from the security app requires two transitions from the security app to the ingest manager and back. To make the onboarding experience more streamlined, we should convert this to a single transition.

currently, users have to transition to ingest manager in order to add the endpoint security integration, then they go back to the security app where they are prompted to enroll an agent, then they go back to ingest manager to enroll an agent, which then transitions down to the fleet page to enable fleet, then they can click a button to enroll an agent. It would be better if all the steps are part of a single flow that redirects users back to the security app when they are done.

The new flow should be add the endpoint security integration, enroll fleet (required), check fleet requirements, enroll an agent if there are none (with option to skip), return to security app.

We may also want to address that the Add data button does not offer an option for endpoint security.

This flow should be consistent with the UX across observability and security https://github.com/elastic/kibana/issues/72546

elasticmachine commented 3 years ago

Pinging @elastic/ingest-management (Team:Ingest Management)

elasticmachine commented 3 years ago

Pinging @elastic/endpoint-management (Team:Endpoint Management)