elastic / kibana

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Node version compatibility #84266

Open Stargateur opened 3 years ago

Stargateur commented 3 years ago

Kibana version: 7.9.2-1

Elasticsearch version: N/A

Server OS version: 5.9.1-arch1-1

Browser version: N/A

Browser OS version: N/A

Original install method (e.g. download page, yum, from source, etc.): pacman

Describe the bug: kibana doesn't accept a bigger minor version of nodejs. kibana should accept a minimun version of nodejs, but that the opposite it's only accept an exact version

Steps to reproduce:

  1. pacman -S kibana
  2. pacman -S nodejs-lts-dubnium
  3. systemclt start kibana.service

Expected behavior: kibana should accept compatible semver LTS of nodejs

Screenshots (if relevant): N/A

Errors in browser console (if relevant): N/A

Provide logs and/or server output (if relevant):

Kibana does not support the current Node.js version v10.23.0. Please use Node.js v10.22.1.

Any additional context:

Bug report in archlinux https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/67415?project=5&string=kibana

Stargateur commented 3 years ago


wtf, why, why, why, just why. That mean that even if I patch the package.json following official doc https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/v6/configuring-npm/package-json#engines. This fail if I don't put the EXACT version.

Remove this. Or give us a very very very very * 999999999 good reason.

spalger commented 3 years ago

You're probably right that we could update our check to accommodate patch updates, but your tone is pretty clearly trying to insult and it really doesn't make me want to help...

Stargateur commented 3 years ago

Avoid "..." at the end of your sentence, if you want to say something say it don't imply it, your tone is worst than my tone with that.

I have few interest you helping me, this only affect my personal arch and I already have fix, not great but will be enough for my one time use by year of kibana, but I expect you want the user of kibana having the less problem that possible, and a hard error for a fixed version that make no sense will not help your users.

Sorry to be angry of loosing time debugging a bug considered as a feature after days of fighting elk stack to make it work to finally be unable to use kibana to look result because the version of node is fixed for no good reason. Kibana is rude to all its users with this piece of code.

I'm silly yes, but this is a level of wtf that I never ever saw in any other project in my life. package.json already handle versioning, you are doing an unnecessary trick to force user to use a very specific version of node, disallow people to update node for any other software on their system. (and so allow unsolved CVE if user want to keep kibana working without touch config file and more other problems)


Given that we ship the node.js binary with our Kibana distributions and that Kibana could break entirely with any node.js version that isn't the one we test against, what's the use case for running with different node versions? Is this a dev-only concern?

giving that you ship the node.js so why even care ? That mean you expect your user to just use your prebuild package, there is no reason they don't use your node shipped version.

Kibana could break entirely with any node.js version that isn't the one we test against

So kibana could "break entirely" if it run again a bigger minor compatible version of node ? that really what would happen ? kibana is so THAT bad ? that what this imply

Is this a dev-only concern

So you don't care of dev user ? that what that mean ?

In my opinion, kibana is way ruder than me with this.