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Remove Grunt dependency #85341

Closed tylersmalley closed 3 years ago

tylersmalley commented 3 years ago

Since moving to dedicated scripts, we have very little use for Grunt these days as it's mostly existing for legacy usages. We should migrate any existing tasks and remove the dependencies.

Related to #70733

Running "availabletasks:availabletasks" (availabletasks) task
availabletasks                           ->  List available Grunt tasks & targets. 
babel                                    ->  Use next generation JavaScript, today 
checkPlugins                             =>  Checks for plugins which may disrupt tests 
clean                                    ->  Clean files and folders. 
copy                                     ->  Copy files. 
docker:docs                              =>  Build docs from docker 
functionalTests:ensureAllTestsInCiGroup  =>  Check that all of the functional tests are in a CI group 
jenkins:docs                             =>  Alias for "docker:docs" task. 
jenkins:unit                             =>  Alias for "run:eslint", "run:sasslint", "run:checkTsProjects", "run:checkDocApiChanges", "run:typeCheck", "run:i18nCheck", "run:telemetryCheck", "run:checkFileCasing", "run:licenses", "run:verifyNotice", "run:mocha", "run:test_jest", "run:test_jest_integration", "run:test_projects", "run:test_hardening", "run:apiIntegrationTests" tasks. 
licenses:csv_report                      =>  Report of 3rd party dependencies 
peg                                      ->  Generates parsers from PEG grammars. (kuery|timelion_chain)
quick-test                               =>  Alias for "test:quick" task. 
run                                      ->  used to start external processes (like servers) (eslint|sasslint|checkFileCasing|checkDocApiChanges|typeCheck|checkTsProjects|i18nCheck|telemetryCheck|mocha|mochaCoverage|verifyNotice|test_hardening|apiIntegrationTests|serverIntegrationTests|interpreterFunctionalTestsRelease|pluginFunctionalTestsRelease|exampleFunctionalTestsRelease|functionalTests|licenses|test_jest|test_jest_integration|test_projects)
stop                                     ->  stop a process started with "run" (only works for tasks that use wait:false) 
tasks                                    =>  Alias for "availabletasks" task. 
test                                     =>  Custom task. 
test:jest                                =>  Custom task. 
test:jest_integration                    =>  Custom task. 
test:mochaCoverage                       =>  Alias for "run:mochaCoverage" task. 
test:projects                            =>  Custom task. 
test:quick                               =>  Alias for "checkPlugins", "run:mocha", "run:functionalTests", "test:jest", "test:jest_integration", "test:projects", "run:apiIntegrationTests" tasks. 
test:visualRegression:buildGallery       =>  Compare screenshots and generate diff images. 
wait                                     ->  wait for a process started with "run" to close (only works for tasks that use wait:false) 
watch                                    >   Run predefined tasks whenever watched files change.
elasticmachine commented 3 years ago

Pinging @elastic/kibana-operations (Team:Operations)