elastic / logstash-devutils

An assortment of tooling/libraries to make Logstash core and plugin development and releasing a bit easier.
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Heads up: latest logstash-core will break devutils for some plugins #77

Closed OliverGavin closed 3 years ago

OliverGavin commented 5 years ago

Hi guys,

Just a heads up; I was testing out devutils using the latest logstash-core bundled with logstash (6.x) rather than the old version (logstash-core-5.6.4) that gets pulled with logstash-core-plugin-api-2.1.28-java. There is a regression that will appear in devutils when the logstash-core-plugin-api gets updated that causes plugins to be registered twice. This causes some plugins to break as this is unexpected behaviour.

4 years ago (https://github.com/elastic/logstash-devutils/blame/master/lib/logstash/devutils/rspec/logstash_helpers.rb#L50) A commit was made to devutils to register the filter plugins.

1 year ago (https://github.com/elastic/logstash/blame/master/logstash-core/lib/logstash/pipeline.rb#L487) A commit was made to Logstash (released under 6.x) which registers the filter plugins. The result is that the registration now occurs twice. More complex plugins such as logstash-filter-augment break when registered twice (how/why is irrelevant).

I know that logstash-core-plugin-api is only updated every so often (I'm guessing only when there are relevant changes to the api) but the recent change proves that the api has in fact changed since it causes this issue.

IIIEII commented 5 years ago

Also have same problem with Logstash 6.5.3 I'm creating some automatic tests for my complex logstash pipelines (according to this instruction: https://gquintana.github.io/2016/09/07/Testing-Logstash-configuration.html). I can see that every filter from pipeline is registered twice:

  1. logstash/devutils/rspec/logstash_helpers.rb:
    def sample(sample_event, &block)
        pipeline.instance_eval { @filters.each(&:register) }
  2. logstash-core/lib/logstash/pipeline.rb:

    def filter(event, &block)
    def maybe_setup_out_plugins
    if @outputs_registered.make_true

    For some filters with global context it's a problem. Currently I should use a hack. I override filter's register method and prevent second registration like this:

    require "logstash/filters/somefilter"
    class LogStash::Filters::Somefilter
    alias_method :reg, :register
    @@ids = []
    def register
    if @@ids.include? @id
      puts "Somefilter Filter already registered id:#{@id}"
      puts "Somefilter Filter register id:#{@id}"
      @@ids << @id


However I want my tests to work normal without any hacks.