elastic / opentelemetry-lib

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Using `event.module` as the field to taint translated metrics leads to issues due to `constant_keyword` field mappings #29

Closed felixbarny closed 1 week ago

felixbarny commented 1 week ago

In https://github.com/elastic/opentelemetry-lib/pull/18, we've added a way to differentiate translated metrics by setting event.module to elastic/opentelemetry-lib:


@andrzej-stencel found out that this leads to issues when the system integration is installed.

The error message is:

2024-06-20T16:41:59.387+0200    error   elasticsearchexporter@v0.102.0/elasticsearch_bulk.go:309        Drop docs: failed to index: struct { Type string "json:\"type\""; Reason string "json:\"reason\"" }{Type:"document_parsing_exception", Reason:"[1:370] failed to parse field [event.module] of type [constant_keyword] in a time series document at [2024-06-20T14:41:58.265Z]"}   {"kind": "exporter", "data_type": "metrics", "name": "elasticsearch", "status": 400}

One of the metrics he was trying to ingest looks like this:


The reason this fails is that the system integration adds a constant_keyword mapping for the event.module field with system as a static value:


We'll need to find another field to taint the translated metrics, which isn't mapped as constant_keyword. From my perspective, we don't need to use a pre-existing ECS field for that (that could reduce the risk of similar clashes in the future), and a simple boolean may be enough.

cc @ishleenk17 @lahsivjar

ishleenk17 commented 1 week ago

@felixbarny : That sounds about right. I will add a boolean flag otel_remapped taint to the remapped metrics and remove event.module