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Copy as cURL should fix case of verbs to uppercase #134

Open rmoff opened 8 years ago

rmoff commented 8 years ago

In sense I can write this and it executes fine:

put _snapshot/local-data/data
{ "indices" : "logstash-*"

But if I "Copy as cURL" the _resulting statement retains the lowercase put _which then fails to execute

curl -Xput "http://localhost:9200/_snapshot/local-kibana/kibana" -d'
> { "indices" : ".kibana"
> }'
{"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"snapshot_missing_exception","reason":"[local-kibana:kibana] is missing"}],"type":"snapshot_missing_exception","reason":"[local-kibana:kibana] is missing","caused_by":{"type":"no_such_file_exception","reason":"/mnt/elk1/elasticsearch/snapshots/snap-kibana.dat"}},"status":404}

Would be good if the Copy as cURL could fix this, and maybe just make Sense autofix verbs to uppercase regardless as this seems to be a common cause of issues (c.f. #133 #85)

spalger commented 8 years ago
