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Document remote monitoring cluster version requirement for upgrades? #35

Open ppf2 opened 6 years ago

ppf2 commented 6 years ago

We have a note here on version dependency, i.e. they can't do an export from a 6.x cluster to a 5.x monitoring cluster during upgrades: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/x-pack/current/monitoring-production.html#monitoring-production

The problem is that this note is in the "setup" section of the monitoring guide and users are unlikely going to revisit this page as part of the upgrade. It will be helpful if we can call this out (or cross link) as part of the stack upgrade documentation.

inqueue commented 5 years ago

This one has been around for a while and users are still running into issues when upgrading production clusters to a version greater than the remote monitoring cluster. For example, a 6.2.4 monitoring cluster will not display monitoring for a 6.4.2 cluster-- this direction of export does not work.

Could we make a general recommendation on https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elastic-stack/6.4/upgrading-elastic-stack.html to keep the monitoring cluster version greater or equal to clusters being monitored? It should be one of the first steps when upgrading the deployment.

It is common to have multiple clusters exporting a single remote monitoring cluster. The monitoring cluster should always be running a version equal to or greater than the cluster with the latest version.

ppf2 commented 5 years ago

Ideally, I think it will be nice to have this compatibility information right in the support matrix (https://github.com/elastic/website-www.elastic.co/issues/2224 - also outstanding), and the individual documentation sections can just cross link to the support matrix and be done :)