elastic / support-diagnostics

Support diagnostics utility for elasticsearch and logstash
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Fix bugs in import monitoring #616

Closed sakurai-youhei closed 1 year ago

sakurai-youhei commented 1 year ago

Prepend slash to path of HTTP request

With this fix, import-monitoring is now able to import data to ESS as follows.

import.log ```shell C:\Users\YouheiSakurai\git\support-diagnostics\target\diagnostcs\diagnostics-8.4.2-SNAPSHOT>import-monitoring.bat --user elastic -p --port 443 --host 18c**********************dae5d6e.ap-northeast-1.aws.found.io --ssl -i monitoring-export-20221203-060640.zip No Java Home was found. Using current path. If execution fails please install Java and make sure it is in the search path or exposed via the JAVA_HOME environment variable. 2022-12-03 15:41:43,539 main ERROR Unable to locate appender "diag" for logger config "root" Processing diagnosticInputs... Elasticsearch user password: ************************ Deleted directory: C:\Users\YouheiSakurai\git\support-diagnostics\target\diagnostcs\diagnostics-8.4.2-SNAPSHOT\monitoring-export. Creating temporary directory C:\Users\YouheiSakurai\git\support-diagnostics\target\diagnostcs\diagnostics-8.4.2-SNAPSHOT\monitoring-export Configuring log file. Diagnostic logger reconfigured for inclusion into archive Extract completed successfully! Processing: ccr_auto_follow_stats.json Indexing document batch 0 to 500 Indexing document batch 500 to 1000 Indexing document batch 1000 to 1500 Indexing document batch 1500 to 2000 Indexing document batch 2000 to 2156 2156 events written from ccr_auto_follow_stats.json Processing: cluster_stats.json Indexing document batch 0 to 500 Indexing document batch 500 to 1000 Indexing document batch 1000 to 1500 Indexing document batch 1500 to 2000 Indexing document batch 2000 to 2156 2156 events written from cluster_stats.json Processing: index_stats.json Indexing document batch 0 to 500 Indexing document batch 500 to 1000 Indexing document batch 1000 to 1500 Indexing document batch 1500 to 2000 Indexing document batch 2000 to 2500 Indexing document batch 2500 to 3000 Indexing document batch 3000 to 3500 Indexing document batch 3500 to 4000 Indexing document batch 4000 to 4500 Indexing document batch 4500 to 5000 Indexing document batch 5000 to 5500 Indexing document batch 5500 to 6000 Indexing document batch 6000 to 6500 Indexing document batch 6500 to 7000 Indexing document batch 7000 to 7500 Indexing document batch 7500 to 8000 Indexing document batch 8000 to 8500 Indexing document batch 8500 to 9000 Indexing document batch 9000 to 9500 Indexing document batch 9500 to 10000 Indexing document batch 10000 to 10500 Indexing document batch 10500 to 11000 Indexing document batch 11000 to 11500 Indexing document batch 11500 to 12000 Indexing document batch 12000 to 12500 Indexing document batch 12500 to 12935 12935 events written from index_stats.json Processing: indices_stats.json Indexing document batch 0 to 500 Indexing document batch 500 to 1000 Indexing document batch 1000 to 1500 Indexing document batch 1500 to 2000 Indexing document batch 2000 to 2156 2156 events written from indices_stats.json Processing: node_stats.json Indexing document batch 0 to 500 Indexing document batch 500 to 1000 Indexing document batch 1000 to 1500 Indexing document batch 1500 to 2000 Indexing document batch 2000 to 2500 Indexing document batch 2500 to 3000 Indexing document batch 3000 to 3500 Indexing document batch 3500 to 4000 Indexing document batch 4000 to 4312 4312 events written from node_stats.json Processing: shards.json Indexing document batch 0 to 500 Indexing document batch 500 to 1000 Indexing document batch 1000 to 1006 1006 events written from shards.json Closing loggers. ```

Closes #615

Fix typo of config property

diags.yml doesn't have such a property, so metricbeatExtractIndexPattern was typo.

Append wildcard to index pattern

With this fix, the following index patterns are set to index templates.
