elastic / timelion

Timelion was absorbed into Kibana 5. Don't use this. Time series composer for Elasticsearch and beyond.
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CSV export #123

Open yuvalzaltz opened 8 years ago

yuvalzaltz commented 8 years ago

Is there an option to export raw data to csv from timelion object?

rashidkpc commented 8 years ago

There is currently no CSV export facility.

yuvalzaltz commented 8 years ago

based on the fact that timelion does amazing stuff that are currently not supported in any other visualization in kibana, if the output data could be transposed into tabular view and even maybe add the functionality to change the aggs to terms buckets this might be a huge leap in kibana functionality. do you think it is possible? or would it be something that would be very costly?

shubhambits commented 8 years ago

Hi, I needed this functionality so i added it in my code. Just add code in two files, cells.js and cells.html for this ,you can use ngSanitize and ngCsv to download the data.

ddavidebor commented 8 years ago

@shubhambits where can your code be found?

shubhambits commented 8 years ago

@ddavidebor Code depends on how ur response is from elastic search. Look up the documentation for ng-csv to export data. I cant share the code. But if you want any review on your code, i can help you out.

ddavidebor commented 8 years ago

@shubhambits Ok, good suggestion ng-csv, i'll check it out