I have an issue about timeseries on Timelion, I currently have a timeserie like this below:
However I wanted to fill gaps between those data, like Kibana already do (even if this is not as readable as in timelion):
I know that an if statement like .if(eq, null, 0) could be a solution, however I want a continuity between the previous and next data (like Kibana's do). On ElasticSearch forum, it seems to be an inexistent feature, which could be useful.
Hi !
I have an issue about timeseries on Timelion, I currently have a timeserie like this below:
However I wanted to fill gaps between those data, like Kibana already do (even if this is not as readable as in timelion):
I know that an if statement like .if(eq, null, 0) could be a solution, however I want a continuity between the previous and next data (like Kibana's do). On ElasticSearch forum, it seems to be an inexistent feature, which could be useful.