elastic / timelion

Timelion was absorbed into Kibana 5. Don't use this. Time series composer for Elasticsearch and beyond.
347 stars 79 forks source link

Kibana 5.0.1 x-pack plugin installation failure #190

Closed kvopencode closed 8 years ago

kvopencode commented 8 years ago

What is the problem here. X-pack plugin not getting installed in kibana

F:\PerformanceAnalyzer\kibana501\bin>kibana-plugin install x-pack Attempting to transfer from x-pack Attempting to transfer from https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/kibana-plugin s/x-pack/x-pack-5.0.1.zip Transferring 56957357 bytes.................... Transfer complete Retrieving metadata from plugin archive Extracting plugin archive Extraction complete Optimizing and caching browser bundles... Plugin installation was unsuccessful due to error "Optimizations failure.

ERROR in ../plugins/x-pack/plugins/graph/public/app.js
Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module 'ace' in F:\PerformanceAnalyz

er\kibana501\plugins\x-pack\plugins\graph\public @ ../plugins/x-pack/plugins/graph/public/app.js 13:0-14

ERROR in ../src/ui/public/tooltip/tooltip.js
Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module 'ui-bootstrap' in F:\Performa

nceAnalyzer\kibana501\src\ui\public\tooltip @ ../src/ui/public/tooltip/tooltip.js 9:0-23

ERROR in ../src/core_plugins/kbn_doc_views/public/views/json.js
Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module 'ace' in F:\PerformanceAnalyz

er\kibana501\src\core_plugins\kbn_doc_views\public\views @ ../src/core_plugins/kbn_doc_views/public/views/json.js 13:0-14

ERROR in ../src/core_plugins/kibana/public/dashboard/directives/grid.js
Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module 'gridster' in F:\PerformanceA

nalyzer\kibana501\src\core_plugins\kibana\public\dashboard\directives @ ../src/core_plugins/kibana/public/dashboard/directives/grid.js 17:0-19

ERROR in ../src/core_plugins/kibana/public/management/sections/objects/index

.js Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module 'ace' in F:\PerformanceAnalyz er\kibana501\src\core_plugins\kibana\public\management\sections\objects @ ../src/core_plugins/kibana/public/management/sections/objects/index.js 13 :0-14 "

rashidkpc commented 8 years ago

timelion is not part of X-pack, please file this issue in the upstream elastic/kibana repo.