elastic / uptime

This project includes resources and general issue tracking for the Elastic Uptime solution
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[Kibana] Suites tab on overview page #435

Closed andrewvc closed 2 years ago

andrewvc commented 2 years ago


After discussing with @liciavale it makes more sense to not implement this flow but the forthcoming suites management flow, which is closer to the new synthetics app and thus will be less effort with maximal code re-use. Let's pause on this till the right issue is filed there.


This supercedes https://github.com/elastic/uptime/issues/431 in solving https://github.com/elastic/beats/issues/27924 .

Blocked on https://github.com/elastic/beats/issues/29917

After a discussion with @liciavale , with a follow-up with @liciavale @paulb-elastic and @drewpost we agreed that the generic error facility mentioned in elastic/uptime#431 had too many downsides to proceed with. The main issue is that dealing with history is strange, and we still have a weird UX due to the lake of symmetry between the upcoming monitor management UI and the overview page.

We want to keep on working on this problem for the future synthetics app, but for the immediate future we propose the following ACs:

Given that our current design resources are limited, we're only going to be reaching out to @liciavale for approval on this and try for a lightweight iterative review process.

The changes to the current page would be something like what's listed below.


andrewvc commented 2 years ago

TODO: Make a follow-up issue to cover displaying those errors in monitor management

paulb-elastic commented 2 years ago

TODO: Make a follow-up issue to cover displaying those errors in monitor management

https://github.com/elastic/uptime/issues/438 raised

lucasfcosta commented 2 years ago

As we have discussed in https://github.com/elastic/synthetics/issues/451, we'll proceed with the term suites for now.

It seems like @liciavale has already taken care of separating the suite creation flow from the individual monitor creation flow, and, therefore, this issue already adheres to the terminology set in the aforementioned issue.

From a terminology point-of-view, no further refinement is needed.

As also mentioned in the issue linked above, there are still concerns with regards to when to implement suites.

andrewvc commented 2 years ago

Closing in favor of https://github.com/elastic/synthetics/issues/470