elastic / uptime

This project includes resources and general issue tracking for the Elastic Uptime solution
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Add proper recorder download pages #461

Open andrewvc opened 2 years ago

andrewvc commented 2 years ago

We currently release the synthetics recorder via github. We should move to proper download pages on elastic.co once we have code signing.

There's an open question around whether we align the recorder with stack releases. I'd propose that we do this simultaneously for the simple reason that customers won't have to worry about compatibility with the Elastic stack etc.

We should only do this once we have proper code signing etc.

CC @justinkambic @lucasfcosta @kyungeunni @paulb-elastic

kyungeunni commented 2 years ago

@justinkambic, @v1v, and I discussed this topic today and drafted up a plan for code signing, releasing, and publishing.

Here are the milestones we'd like to tackle one by one.

  1. Build and release recorder from Jenkins on tag push (without signing)
  2. Sign and notarise recorder for Mac and Windows
  3. Publish recorders to elastic's artifacts storage and deprecated Github release
kyungeunni commented 1 year ago

We will follow instructions from the Release eng team.

kyungeunni commented 1 year ago

This should be pushed to 8.8 as release-eng team doesn't have the bandwidth for 8.7 https://github.com/elastic/release-eng/issues/592#issuecomment-1384937790

paulb-elastic commented 1 year ago

@kyungeunni do you know if, when this is on the proper download location, we get the download statistics defined in the top description?

We'll also need a URL for the download location, as we need to update the docs and the Kibana UI (I've added to the main description).

paulb-elastic commented 1 year ago

Whilst the final download location is being created, we may need an intermediate location in GitHub (a specific MD page somewhere) that @drewpost is working on (so, a more curated page than the main releases page).

paulb-elastic commented 1 year ago

Moving to 8.9 as we have a plan b for GA

paulb-elastic commented 1 year ago

@drewpost moving to the backlog to pick up when you think we're likely to be able to get this set up