Windows 10 Home - V 2004 - SO Compilation 19041.685
Botucatu - SP - Brazil
### Expected Behaviour - first installation for development
### Actual Behaviour - Installation failed
### Steps to reproduce the behaviour - I did the installation with the MSI file
fresh install
1.Download the msi file
2.Execute the msi file
3. An error ocured during installation
Final part of the installation log file >
Property(S): ProductToBeRegistered = 1
MSI (s) (8C:D4) [20:29:40:419]: MainEngineThread is returning 1603
MSI (s) (8C:04) [20:29:40:423]: RESTART MANAGER: Session closed.
MSI (s) (8C:04) [20:29:40:427]: User policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0
MSI (s) (8C:04) [20:29:40:427]: Machine policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0
MSI (s) (8C:04) [20:29:40:427]: Incrementing counter to disable shutdown. Counter after increment: 0
MSI (s) (8C:04) [20:29:40:427]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\Rollback\Scripts 3: 2
MSI (s) (8C:04) [20:29:40:427]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\Rollback\Scripts 3: 2
MSI (s) (8C:04) [20:29:40:428]: Decrementing counter to disable shutdown. If counter >= 0, shutdown will be denied. Counter after decrement: -1
MSI (s) (8C:04) [20:29:40:429]: Destroying RemoteAPI object.
MSI (s) (8C:1C) [20:29:40:429]: Custom Action Manager thread ending.
MSI (c) (18:10) [20:29:40:431]: Back from server. Return value: 1603
MSI (c) (18:10) [20:29:40:431]: Decrementing counter to disable shutdown. If counter >= 0, shutdown will be denied. Counter after decrement: -1
Action ended 20:29:40: INSTALL. Return value 3.
Property(C): UpgradeCode = {DAAA2CBA-A1ED-4F29-AFBF-5478617B00F6}
Property(C): INSTALLDIR = C:\Program Files\Elastic\Elasticsearch\7.10.1
Property(C): DATADIRECTORY = C:\ProgramData\Elastic\Elasticsearch\data
Property(C): CONFIGDIRECTORY = C:\ProgramData\Elastic\Elasticsearch\config
Property(C): LOGSDIRECTORY = C:\ProgramData\Elastic\Elasticsearch\logs
Property(C): ProgramFiles64Folder = C:\Program Files\
Property(C): VersionNT = 603
Property(C): ALLUSERS = 1
Property(C): ElasticProduct = Elasticsearch
Property(C): CurrentVersion = 7.10.1
Property(C): MsiLogging = voicewarmup
Property(C): ARPNOREPAIR = yes
Property(C): ARPNOMODIFY = yes
Property(C): INSTALLASSERVICE = true
Property(C): USELOCALSYSTEM = true
Property(C): USENETWORKSERVICE = false
Property(C): CLUSTERNAME = elasticsearch
Property(C): MASTERNODE = true
Property(C): DATANODE = true
Property(C): INGESTNODE = true
Property(C): LOCKMEMORY = false
Property(C): INITIALMASTER = false
Property(C): HTTPPORT = 9200
Property(C): TRANSPORTPORT = 9300
Property(C): ARPHELPLINK =
Property(C): ARPPRODUCTICON = app_icon.ico
Property(C): Manufacturer = Elastic
Property(C): ProductCode = {D07C46A2-2310-4AA8-89AD-B7D3F270C79F}
Property(C): ProductLanguage = 1033
Property(C): ProductName = Elasticsearch 7.10.1
Property(C): ProductVersion = 7.10.1
Property(C): MsiHiddenProperties = BOOTSTRAPPASSWORD;ElasticsearchBootstrapPasswordAction;ElasticsearchCleanupAction;ElasticsearchConfigurationAction;ElasticsearchDirectoriesAction;ElasticsearchJvmOptionsAction;ElasticsearchPluginsAction;ElasticsearchPreserveInstallAction;ElasticsearchRollbackDirectoriesAction;ElasticsearchServiceStartTypeAction;ElasticsearchSetupXPackPasswordsAction;ElasticsearchUninstallDirectoriesAction;ELASTICUSERPASSWORD;KIBANAUSERPASSWORD;LOGSTASHSYSTEMUSERPASSWORD;PASSWORD;ServicePassword
Property(C): MsiLogFileLocation = C:\Users\Robtatui\AppData\Local\Temp\MSI99daf.LOG
Property(C): PackageCode = {11441821-6145-4BC0-87AC-F91EC713AD96}
Property(C): ProductState = -1
Property(C): PackagecodeChanging = 1
Property(C): CURRENTDIRECTORY = C:\Users\Robtatui\Downloads
Property(C): CLIENTUILEVEL = 3
Property(C): CLIENTPROCESSID = 15128
Property(C): VersionDatabase = 200
Property(C): VersionMsi = 5.00
Property(C): VersionNT64 = 603
Property(C): WindowsBuild = 9600
Property(C): ServicePackLevel = 0
Property(C): ServicePackLevelMinor = 0
Property(C): MsiNTProductType = 1
Property(C): MsiNTSuitePersonal = 1
Property(C): WindowsFolder = C:\WINDOWS\
Property(C): WindowsVolume = C:\
Property(C): System64Folder = C:\WINDOWS\system32\
Property(C): SystemFolder = C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\
Property(C): RemoteAdminTS = 1
Property(C): TempFolder = C:\Users\Robtatui\AppData\Local\Temp\
Property(C): ProgramFilesFolder = C:\Program Files (x86)\
Property(C): CommonFilesFolder = C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\
Property(C): CommonFiles64Folder = C:\Program Files\Common Files\
Property(C): AppDataFolder = C:\Users\Robtatui\AppData\Roaming\
Property(C): FavoritesFolder = C:\Users\Robtatui\Favorites\
Property(C): NetHoodFolder = C:\Users\Robtatui\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Network Shortcuts\
Property(C): PersonalFolder = C:\Users\Robtatui\Documents\
Property(C): PrintHoodFolder = C:\Users\Robtatui\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Printer Shortcuts\
Property(C): RecentFolder = C:\Users\Robtatui\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\
Property(C): SendToFolder = C:\Users\Robtatui\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo\
Property(C): TemplateFolder = C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Templates\
Property(C): CommonAppDataFolder = C:\ProgramData\
Property(C): LocalAppDataFolder = C:\Users\Robtatui\AppData\Local\
Property(C): MyPicturesFolder = C:\Users\Robtatui\Pictures\
Property(C): AdminToolsFolder = C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools\
Property(C): StartupFolder = C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\
Property(C): ProgramMenuFolder = C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\
Property(C): StartMenuFolder = C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\
Property(C): DesktopFolder = C:\Users\Public\Desktop\
Property(C): FontsFolder = C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\
Property(C): GPTSupport = 1
Property(C): OLEAdvtSupport = 1
Property(C): ShellAdvtSupport = 1
Property(C): MsiAMD64 = 6
Property(C): Msix64 = 6
Property(C): Intel = 6
Property(C): PhysicalMemory = 8073
Property(C): VirtualMemory = 9245
Property(C): LogonUser = Robtatui
Property(C): UserSID = S-1-5-21-2703715528-3411341657-1221778295-1001
Property(C): UserLanguageID = 1046
Property(C): ComputerName = ACER-TATUI
Property(C): SystemLanguageID = 1046
Property(C): ScreenX = 2160
Property(C): ScreenY = 1440
Property(C): CaptionHeight = 34
Property(C): BorderTop = 1
Property(C): BorderSide = 1
Property(C): MsiTabletPC = 1
Property(C): TextHeight = 25
Property(C): TextInternalLeading = 5
Property(C): ColorBits = 32
Property(C): TTCSupport = 1
Property(C): Time = 20:29:40
Property(C): Date = 04/01/2021
Property(C): MsiNetAssemblySupport = 4.8.4084.0
Property(C): MsiWin32AssemblySupport = 6.3.19041.546
Property(C): RedirectedDllSupport = 2
Property(C): AdminUser = 1
Property(C): Privileged = 1
Property(C): USERNAME = Robtatui
Property(C): DATABASE = C:\Users\Robtatui\Downloads\elasticsearch-7.10.1.msi
Property(C): OriginalDatabase = C:\Users\Robtatui\Downloads\elasticsearch-7.10.1.msi
Property(C): SELECTEDMEMORY = 2048
Property(C): USEEXISTINGUSER = false
Property(C): XPACKLICENSE = Basic
Property(C): UILevel = 2
MSI (c) (18:B4) [21:01:10:082]: RunEngine wait timed out
Installer is no longer responding.
MSI (c) (18:B4) [21:32:39:054]: RunEngine wait timed out
Installer is no longer responding.
MSI (c) (18:B4) [22:04:07:719]: RunEngine wait timed out
Installer is no longer responding.
MSI (c) (18:B4) [22:35:36:655]: RunEngine wait timed out
Installer is no longer responding.
MSI (c) (18:B4) [23:07:05:039]: RunEngine wait timed out
Installer is no longer responding.
MSI (c) (18:B4) [23:38:34:122]: RunEngine wait timed out
Installer is no longer responding.
MSI (c) (18:B4) [00:10:02:655]: RunEngine wait timed out
Installer is no longer responding.
MSI (c) (18:B4) [00:41:30:975]: RunEngine wait timed out
Installer is no longer responding.
MSI (c) (18:B4) [01:12:59:911]: RunEngine wait timed out
Installer is no longer responding.
MSI (c) (18:B4) [01:44:28:647]: RunEngine wait timed out
Installer is no longer responding.
MSI (c) (18:B4) [02:15:57:531]: RunEngine wait timed out
Installer is no longer responding.
MSI (c) (18:B4) [02:47:27:834]: RunEngine wait timed out
Installer is no longer responding.
MSI (c) (18:B4) [03:18:56:851]: RunEngine wait timed out
Installer is no longer responding.
MSI (c) (18:B4) [03:50:26:233]: RunEngine wait timed out
Installer is no longer responding.
MSI (c) (18:B4) [04:21:55:420]: RunEngine wait timed out
Installer is no longer responding.
MSI (c) (18:B4) [04:53:25:179]: RunEngine wait timed out
Installer is no longer responding.
MSI (c) (18:B4) [05:24:54:280]: RunEngine wait timed out
Installer is no longer responding.
MSI (c) (18:B4) [05:56:23:373]: RunEngine wait timed out
Installer is no longer responding.
MSI (c) (18:B4) [06:27:53:417]: RunEngine wait timed out
Installer is no longer responding.
MSI (c) (18:B4) [06:59:18:935]: RunEngine wait timed out
Installer is no longer responding.
MSI (c) (18:B4) [07:30:31:656]: RunEngine wait timed out
Installer is no longer responding.
MSI (c) (18:B4) [08:01:46:291]: RunEngine wait timed out
Installer is no longer responding.
MSI (c) (18:B4) [08:33:05:478]: RunEngine wait timed out
Installer is no longer responding.
Environment - Acer Switch SA5-271 - Processor Intel Core I5-6200 - 2.30 GHZ / RAM 8 GB
No Botucatu - SP - Brazil ### Expected Behaviour - first installation for development ### Actual Behaviour - Installation failed ### Steps to reproduce the behaviour - I did the installation with the MSI file fresh install 1.Download the msi file 2.Execute the msi file 3. An error ocured during installationFinal part of the installation log file > Property(S): ProductToBeRegistered = 1 MSI (s) (8C:D4) [20:29:40:419]: MainEngineThread is returning 1603 MSI (s) (8C:04) [20:29:40:423]: RESTART MANAGER: Session closed. MSI (s) (8C:04) [20:29:40:427]: User policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0 MSI (s) (8C:04) [20:29:40:427]: Machine policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0 MSI (s) (8C:04) [20:29:40:427]: Incrementing counter to disable shutdown. Counter after increment: 0 MSI (s) (8C:04) [20:29:40:427]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\Rollback\Scripts 3: 2 MSI (s) (8C:04) [20:29:40:427]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\Rollback\Scripts 3: 2 MSI (s) (8C:04) [20:29:40:428]: Decrementing counter to disable shutdown. If counter >= 0, shutdown will be denied. Counter after decrement: -1 MSI (s) (8C:04) [20:29:40:429]: Destroying RemoteAPI object. MSI (s) (8C:1C) [20:29:40:429]: Custom Action Manager thread ending. MSI (c) (18:10) [20:29:40:431]: Back from server. Return value: 1603 MSI (c) (18:10) [20:29:40:431]: Decrementing counter to disable shutdown. If counter >= 0, shutdown will be denied. Counter after decrement: -1 Action ended 20:29:40: INSTALL. Return value 3. Property(C): UpgradeCode = {DAAA2CBA-A1ED-4F29-AFBF-5478617B00F6} Property(C): INSTALLDIR = C:\Program Files\Elastic\Elasticsearch\7.10.1 Property(C): DATADIRECTORY = C:\ProgramData\Elastic\Elasticsearch\data Property(C): CONFIGDIRECTORY = C:\ProgramData\Elastic\Elasticsearch\config Property(C): LOGSDIRECTORY = C:\ProgramData\Elastic\Elasticsearch\logs Property(C): NODENAME = ACER-TATUI Property(C): ProgramFiles64Folder = C:\Program Files\ Property(C): VersionNT = 603 Property(C): ALLUSERS = 1 Property(C): ElasticProduct = Elasticsearch Property(C): CurrentVersion = 7.10.1 Property(C): MsiLogging = voicewarmup Property(C): ARPNOREPAIR = yes Property(C): ARPNOMODIFY = yes Property(C): INSTALLASSERVICE = true Property(C): STARTAFTERINSTALL = true Property(C): STARTWHENWINDOWSSTARTS = true Property(C): USELOCALSYSTEM = true Property(C): USENETWORKSERVICE = false Property(C): CLUSTERNAME = elasticsearch Property(C): MASTERNODE = true Property(C): DATANODE = true Property(C): INGESTNODE = true Property(C): LOCKMEMORY = false Property(C): INITIALMASTER = false Property(C): HTTPPORT = 9200 Property(C): TRANSPORTPORT = 9300 Property(C): ARPHELPLINK = Property(C): ARPPRODUCTICON = app_icon.ico Property(C): ARPURLINFOABOUT = Property(C): Manufacturer = Elastic Property(C): ProductCode = {D07C46A2-2310-4AA8-89AD-B7D3F270C79F} Property(C): ProductLanguage = 1033 Property(C): ProductName = Elasticsearch 7.10.1 Property(C): ProductVersion = 7.10.1 Property(C): SecureCustomProperties = NETFRAMEWORK45;NEWPRODUCTFOUND;UPGRADEFOUND Property(C): MsiHiddenProperties = BOOTSTRAPPASSWORD;ElasticsearchBootstrapPasswordAction;ElasticsearchCleanupAction;ElasticsearchConfigurationAction;ElasticsearchDirectoriesAction;ElasticsearchJvmOptionsAction;ElasticsearchPluginsAction;ElasticsearchPreserveInstallAction;ElasticsearchRollbackDirectoriesAction;ElasticsearchServiceStartTypeAction;ElasticsearchSetupXPackPasswordsAction;ElasticsearchUninstallDirectoriesAction;ELASTICUSERPASSWORD;KIBANAUSERPASSWORD;LOGSTASHSYSTEMUSERPASSWORD;PASSWORD;ServicePassword Property(C): MsiLogFileLocation = C:\Users\Robtatui\AppData\Local\Temp\MSI99daf.LOG Property(C): PackageCode = {11441821-6145-4BC0-87AC-F91EC713AD96} Property(C): ProductState = -1 Property(C): PackagecodeChanging = 1 Property(C): CURRENTDIRECTORY = C:\Users\Robtatui\Downloads Property(C): CLIENTUILEVEL = 3 Property(C): CLIENTPROCESSID = 15128 Property(C): VersionDatabase = 200 Property(C): VersionMsi = 5.00 Property(C): ACTION = INSTALL Property(C): VersionNT64 = 603 Property(C): WindowsBuild = 9600 Property(C): ServicePackLevel = 0 Property(C): ServicePackLevelMinor = 0 Property(C): MsiNTProductType = 1 Property(C): MsiNTSuitePersonal = 1 Property(C): WindowsFolder = C:\WINDOWS\ Property(C): WindowsVolume = C:\ Property(C): System64Folder = C:\WINDOWS\system32\ Property(C): SystemFolder = C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\ Property(C): RemoteAdminTS = 1 Property(C): TempFolder = C:\Users\Robtatui\AppData\Local\Temp\ Property(C): ProgramFilesFolder = C:\Program Files (x86)\ Property(C): CommonFilesFolder = C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\ Property(C): CommonFiles64Folder = C:\Program Files\Common Files\ Property(C): AppDataFolder = C:\Users\Robtatui\AppData\Roaming\ Property(C): FavoritesFolder = C:\Users\Robtatui\Favorites\ Property(C): NetHoodFolder = C:\Users\Robtatui\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Network Shortcuts\ Property(C): PersonalFolder = C:\Users\Robtatui\Documents\ Property(C): PrintHoodFolder = C:\Users\Robtatui\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Printer Shortcuts\ Property(C): RecentFolder = C:\Users\Robtatui\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\ Property(C): SendToFolder = C:\Users\Robtatui\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo\ Property(C): TemplateFolder = C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Templates\ Property(C): CommonAppDataFolder = C:\ProgramData\ Property(C): LocalAppDataFolder = C:\Users\Robtatui\AppData\Local\ Property(C): MyPicturesFolder = C:\Users\Robtatui\Pictures\ Property(C): AdminToolsFolder = C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools\ Property(C): StartupFolder = C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\ Property(C): ProgramMenuFolder = C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\ Property(C): StartMenuFolder = C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\ Property(C): DesktopFolder = C:\Users\Public\Desktop\ Property(C): FontsFolder = C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\ Property(C): GPTSupport = 1 Property(C): OLEAdvtSupport = 1 Property(C): ShellAdvtSupport = 1 Property(C): MsiAMD64 = 6 Property(C): Msix64 = 6 Property(C): Intel = 6 Property(C): PhysicalMemory = 8073 Property(C): VirtualMemory = 9245 Property(C): LogonUser = Robtatui Property(C): UserSID = S-1-5-21-2703715528-3411341657-1221778295-1001 Property(C): UserLanguageID = 1046 Property(C): ComputerName = ACER-TATUI Property(C): SystemLanguageID = 1046 Property(C): ScreenX = 2160 Property(C): ScreenY = 1440 Property(C): CaptionHeight = 34 Property(C): BorderTop = 1 Property(C): BorderSide = 1 Property(C): MsiTabletPC = 1 Property(C): TextHeight = 25 Property(C): TextInternalLeading = 5 Property(C): ColorBits = 32 Property(C): TTCSupport = 1 Property(C): Time = 20:29:40 Property(C): Date = 04/01/2021 Property(C): MsiNetAssemblySupport = 4.8.4084.0 Property(C): MsiWin32AssemblySupport = 6.3.19041.546 Property(C): RedirectedDllSupport = 2 Property(C): AdminUser = 1 Property(C): Privileged = 1 Property(C): USERNAME = Robtatui Property(C): DATABASE = C:\Users\Robtatui\Downloads\elasticsearch-7.10.1.msi Property(C): OriginalDatabase = C:\Users\Robtatui\Downloads\elasticsearch-7.10.1.msi Property(C): SELECTEDMEMORY = 2048 Property(C): USEEXISTINGUSER = false Property(C): XPACKSECURITYENABLED = false Property(C): SKIPSETTINGPASSWORDS = false Property(C): XPACKLICENSE = Basic Property(C): MSICLIENTUSESEMBEDDEDUI = 1 Property(C): UILevel = 2 MSI (c) (18:B4) [21:01:10:082]: RunEngine wait timed out Installer is no longer responding. MSI (c) (18:B4) [21:32:39:054]: RunEngine wait timed out Installer is no longer responding. MSI (c) (18:B4) [22:04:07:719]: RunEngine wait timed out Installer is no longer responding. MSI (c) (18:B4) [22:35:36:655]: RunEngine wait timed out Installer is no longer responding. MSI (c) (18:B4) [23:07:05:039]: RunEngine wait timed out Installer is no longer responding. MSI (c) (18:B4) [23:38:34:122]: RunEngine wait timed out Installer is no longer responding. MSI (c) (18:B4) [00:10:02:655]: RunEngine wait timed out Installer is no longer responding. MSI (c) (18:B4) [00:41:30:975]: RunEngine wait timed out Installer is no longer responding. MSI (c) (18:B4) [01:12:59:911]: RunEngine wait timed out Installer is no longer responding. MSI (c) (18:B4) [01:44:28:647]: RunEngine wait timed out Installer is no longer responding. MSI (c) (18:B4) [02:15:57:531]: RunEngine wait timed out Installer is no longer responding. MSI (c) (18:B4) [02:47:27:834]: RunEngine wait timed out Installer is no longer responding. MSI (c) (18:B4) [03:18:56:851]: RunEngine wait timed out Installer is no longer responding. MSI (c) (18:B4) [03:50:26:233]: RunEngine wait timed out Installer is no longer responding. MSI (c) (18:B4) [04:21:55:420]: RunEngine wait timed out Installer is no longer responding. MSI (c) (18:B4) [04:53:25:179]: RunEngine wait timed out Installer is no longer responding. MSI (c) (18:B4) [05:24:54:280]: RunEngine wait timed out Installer is no longer responding. MSI (c) (18:B4) [05:56:23:373]: RunEngine wait timed out Installer is no longer responding. MSI (c) (18:B4) [06:27:53:417]: RunEngine wait timed out Installer is no longer responding. MSI (c) (18:B4) [06:59:18:935]: RunEngine wait timed out Installer is no longer responding. MSI (c) (18:B4) [07:30:31:656]: RunEngine wait timed out Installer is no longer responding. MSI (c) (18:B4) [08:01:46:291]: RunEngine wait timed out Installer is no longer responding. MSI (c) (18:B4) [08:33:05:478]: RunEngine wait timed out Installer is no longer responding.