elasticfence / elasticsearch-http-user-auth

HTTP Basic Authentication and IP ACL plugin for Elasticsearch :key: (UNMAINTAINED)
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Auth is not working on production after installing elasticsearch-http-user-auth #69

Closed santhoshdevadiga closed 7 years ago

santhoshdevadiga commented 7 years ago

Hi I am able to access elastic search without a credential on production, the same thing I tried on Dev/stage instances there worked fine.

On Dev

Elasticsearch v 5.1.2 Elasticsearch-http-user-auth v5.1.2 java version "1.8.0_45"

curl http://localhost:9200/_cluster/health?pretty Needs Basic Auth

curl -u root:root http://localhost:9200/_cluster/health?pretty Success

On Production

Elasticsearch v 5.1.2 Elasticsearch-http-user-auth v5.1.2 java version "1.8.0_111"

curl http://localhost:9200/_cluster/health?pretty Success Failure : I am able to access without a credential actual it should not.

curl -u root:root http://localhost:9200/_cluster/health?pretty Success

Can you help me to solve this problem? Did I miss any configuration?

lmangani commented 7 years ago

Are you positive the plugin is initialized? Where are you performing the curl request from? Did you check the ES logs for plugin-related output?

santhoshdevadiga commented 7 years ago

From the same server where I installed ES and accessing from different UNIX user on same box.

lmangani commented 7 years ago

Did you whitelist localhost or by any chance?

santhoshdevadiga commented 7 years ago

Ya, I whitelisted localhost and

elasticfence.whitelist: ["", "localhost"]

lmangani commented 7 years ago

That's why you're receiving no challenges. Try from a different host, or remove the whitelist entry.

santhoshdevadiga commented 7 years ago

Removed from IP ("", "localhost"]) from elastic search and restarted, still I am able to access without a credential. I am not exposing the elastic search API outside (started as a localhost). For localhost, i want to add auth, as I did on dev/stage instances.

lmangani commented 7 years ago

please check the elasticsearch logs on access and paste the rows related to our plugin please

santhoshdevadiga commented 7 years ago

Ok. This is log es_log

santhoshdevadiga commented 7 years ago

@lmangani , I think the plugin is installed because I am able to create/update the user and give access to the index using auth API but without a credential. Ex : curl "http://localhost:9200/_httpuserauth?mode=adduser&username=test&password=test123" curl "http://localhost:9200/_httpuserauth?mode=list"

lmangani commented 7 years ago

If you completely removed the whitelist block from the config, authentication should be enforced. What you if you using for the query instead? Same results?

santhoshdevadiga commented 7 years ago

Same thing, after using


lmangani commented 7 years ago

please provide the elasticfence configuration block (mask any sensitive fields if neeed as this is public)

santhoshdevadiga commented 7 years ago

Same thing I tried in dev/stage instances there working without removing whitelist block.


cluster.name: APP node.name: node1

network.host: [server_1_ip, local] discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts: [server_1_ip, server_2_ip]

elasticfence.disabled: false elasticfence.root.password: root elasticfence.whitelist: ["", "localhost"]

lmangani commented 7 years ago

You are whitelisting, so the behaviour is correct:

elasticfence.whitelist: ["", "localhost"]
santhoshdevadiga commented 7 years ago

But I am not able to access ES without a credential on dev/stage instances after adding whitelist configuration.

santhoshdevadiga commented 7 years ago

Attached snapshot.


elasticsearch.yml es1

lmangani commented 7 years ago

localhost resolution might be the difference, but really the issue is rather on the dev server not requesting it. Either way, you need to disable the whitelist for authentication to be enforced in production if you plan having queries generated from/to localhost/

santhoshdevadiga commented 7 years ago

You mean, I should disable whitelist (remove or comment) config on production?

lmangani commented 7 years ago

Correct, you should let your clients authenticate as intended.

santhoshdevadiga commented 7 years ago


santhoshdevadiga commented 7 years ago

Why I am required auth for ES (localhost) because we have multiple instances in the same box and installed ES as well so each instance should not have access to an index of other instances. I tried the same thing in my local and stage instances there worked fine but in production, it is failing.

santhoshdevadiga commented 7 years ago

Attached production Elasticsearch log. Is it use full to identify the issue?


santhoshdevadiga commented 7 years ago

@lmangani, any update on this?

santhoshdevadiga commented 7 years ago

@lmangani, one thing I identified about this, I checked this on all cloud instances (dev/stage/prod) which worked fine I mean without a credential I can't access ES.

curl http://localhost:9200/_cluster/health?pretty Needs Basic Auth

On the physical machine, I able to access ES without a credential.

curl http://localhost:9200/_cluster/health?pretty JSON data

curl http://private_ip:9200/_cluster/health?pretty Needs Basic Auth

Do we need to add any configuration to add auth to localhost using the plugin?

This is the critical issue which we are facing, due to this we are not able to enable the feature on productions.

lmangani commented 7 years ago

Have you removed the whitelist completely?

santhoshdevadiga commented 7 years ago

Ya, I removed whitelist configuration.

cluster.name: APP node.name: node1 elasticfence.disabled: false elasticfence.root.password: root

santhoshdevadiga commented 7 years ago

do we need to update any configuration to make it work on localhost?