Closed Coopyrightdmin closed 7 years ago
I try to use this module to transform odata metadata.xml file into json. As per documentation, I have implemented the following code:
const o2oapi = require('odata2openapi'); function_B (content) { o2oapi.parse(content) .then(entitySets => convert(entitySets)) .then(swagger => console.log(JSON.stringify(swagger, null, 2))) .catch(error => console.error(error)); }
The content variable is a metadata xml stream that I can display on console. I can also see the following result when logging the parse method of function B:
Promise { { entitySets: [ [Object], [Object] ], version: '1.0', complexTypes: [], singletons: [], actions: [], functions: [], defaultNamespace: 'ZEXAMPLE_SRV', entityTypes: [ [Object], [Object] ] } }
Unfortunately, I am not able to get the final result 'from swagger' to pass to another function C.
function_A (content, x, y, z){ function_C (function_B (content), x, y ,z); }
I have tried to adapt my code without any success. Could you please advice?
Attached my metadata file.
Issue has been solved as described there: I was quite surprised having to send EntitySets.entitySets to the convert method.
I try to use this module to transform odata metadata.xml file into json. As per documentation, I have implemented the following code:
The content variable is a metadata xml stream that I can display on console. I can also see the following result when logging the parse method of function B:
Unfortunately, I am not able to get the final result 'from swagger' to pass to another function C.
I have tried to adapt my code without any success. Could you please advice?
Attached my metadata file.