elasticio / odata2openapi

OData to OpenAPI Converter
MIT License
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Could you add model filtering to exclude entities ? #49

Open crognon opened 1 year ago

crognon commented 1 year ago

Hi all, I have been using your work for a few weeks and it is superb. Thank you for that !

Lately I have been using this over a humongous OData Model from Microsoft CRM (15 Mo xml file). Your stuff still works but the generated OpenAPIFile is 4 Go large with the yuml and 2Go large without it.

I have started to strip the result using JQ but even if I succeed I would loose the YUML diagram.

Then I have wondered if we could stete the entities that matters to include in the result. It would be a nice feature , don't you think ?

Or does anyone knows a tooll (XSLT or any) to remove OData Entities from an existing model ?

Thanks Cyril