elasticquent / Elasticquent

Maps Laravel Eloquent models to Elasticsearch types
MIT License
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Does Elasticquent provides support for building Faceted search? #112

Open christiansyl opened 8 years ago

christiansyl commented 8 years ago

I am interested in using Elastic Search but I would like to know if there is an easy way to get facets and to trigger facetted search.



andrewmclagan commented 7 years ago

You would have to write any custom "faceted" search logic yourself. I dont believe faceted search is within the problem-domain of this package.


timgws commented 7 years ago

@christiansyl my dream has always been to integrate one of my other projects, (https://github.com/timgws/QueryBuilderParser) with this to allow being able to create a simple interface for faceted search.

christiansyl commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the comments. I will start to work on doing some experimentation on my side. @timgws thanks for the reference to your package, Ill start to have a look at tit this week - Merci-Thanks-Bedankt!