elastio / bon

Generate builders for everything!
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Builder with closure syntax #127

Open Veetaha opened 6 days ago

Veetaha commented 6 days ago

This is based on a comment from @cksac in https://github.com/elastio/bon/issues/85#issuecomment-2343780384 It should look something like this. An additional config should enable the generation of a separate syntax for the builder where all required parameters are passed as positional parameters at the start of the function and optional parameters configured with the builder passed as an input to the trailing closure argument.

    use bon::bon;

    struct Tensor {}

    impl Tensor {
        #[builder(closure_fn = sum_with)]
        fn sum(
            dims: &[i64],
            #[builder(default)] keep_dim: bool,
            #[builder(default)] mean: bool,
        ) -> Tensor {
            Tensor {}


    let t = Tensor{};

    let output = t
        .sum_with(&[1, 2], |b| b.keep_dim(true).mean(false))
        // Automatically sets all optional parameters to default values

I think this API looks too exotic, and it's probably fine if it would require a bit more code to write for the user. For example, if we just generate a From<TBuilder> for T impl, this API can be written manually using existing bon primitives (see the comment https://github.com/elastio/bon/issues/85#issuecomment-2343850854).

A note for the community from the maintainers

Please vote on this issue by adding a 👍 reaction to help the maintainers with prioritizing it. You may add a comment describing your real use case related to this issue for us to better understand the problem domain.

cksac commented 6 days ago

for compare with bon-generate all, if bon only generate From<TBuilder> for T

use bon::bon;

impl<__KeepDim, __Mean> From<SumOptionalParamsBuilder<(__KeepDim, __Mean)>> for SumOptionalParams
    __KeepDim: bon::private::IntoSet<Option<bool>, SumOptionalParamsBuilder__keep_dim>,
    __Mean: bon::private::IntoSet<Option<bool>, SumOptionalParamsBuilder__mean>,
    fn from(builder: SumOptionalParamsBuilder<(__KeepDim, __Mean)>) -> Self {

// User code
struct SumOptionalParams {
    keep_dim: bool,
    mean: bool,

struct Tensor {}

impl Tensor {
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        Tensor {}

    // NOTE: orignal function need to be rewrite to accept options struct
    fn _sum(&self, dims: &[i64], options: SumOptionalParams) -> Tensor {
        Tensor {}

    pub fn sum(&self, dims: &[i64]) -> Tensor {
        let options = SumOptionalParams::builder().build();
        self._sum(dims, options)

    pub fn sum_with<T>(
        dims: &[i64],
        options: impl FnOnce(SumOptionalParamsBuilder) -> T,
    ) -> Tensor
        T: Into<SumOptionalParams>,
        let options = options(SumOptionalParams::builder()).into();
        self._sum(dims, options)

fn main() {
    let t = Tensor::new();
    t.sum(&[1]).sum_with(&[1, 2], |b| b.keep_dim(true));
cksac commented 6 days ago

another version without closure, which allow early return and accept partial builder

use bon::bon;

impl<__KeepDim, __Mean> From<SumOptionalParamsBuilder<(__KeepDim, __Mean)>> for SumOptionalParams
    __KeepDim: bon::private::IntoSet<Option<bool>, SumOptionalParamsBuilder__keep_dim>,
    __Mean: bon::private::IntoSet<Option<bool>, SumOptionalParamsBuilder__mean>,
    fn from(builder: SumOptionalParamsBuilder<(__KeepDim, __Mean)>) -> Self {

// User code
struct SumOptionalParams {
    keep_dim: bool,
    mean: bool,

struct Tensor {}

impl Tensor {
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        Tensor {}

    // NOTE: orignal function need to be rewrite to accept options struct
    fn _sum(&self, dims: &[i64], options: SumOptionalParams) -> Tensor {
        Tensor {}

    pub fn sum(&self, dims: &[i64]) -> Tensor {
        let options = SumOptionalParams::builder().build();
        self._sum(dims, options)

    pub fn sum_with(&self, dims: &[i64], options: impl Into<SumOptionalParams>) -> Tensor {
        let options = options.into();
        self._sum(dims, options)

fn main() {
    let t = Tensor::new();
    let default_options = SumOptionalParams::builder().mean(true);

    let output = t
        .sum_with(&[1, 2], SumOptionalParams::builder().keep_dim(true))
        .sum_with(&[1, 2], default_options);
Veetaha commented 6 days ago

Yeah, I also was thinking of suggesting this, but this requires importing optional parameters struct type name.

cksac commented 6 days ago

another design is extract all params in function into param struct, like

use bon::bon;

impl<'a, __Dims, __KeepDim, __Mean> From<SumParamsBuilder<'a, (__Dims, __KeepDim, __Mean)>>
    for SumParams<'a>
    __Dims: bon::private::IntoSet<&'a [i64], SumParamsBuilder__dims>,
    __KeepDim: bon::private::IntoSet<Option<bool>, SumParamsBuilder__keep_dim>,
    __Mean: bon::private::IntoSet<Option<bool>, SumParamsBuilder__mean>,
    fn from(builder: SumParamsBuilder<'a, (__Dims, __KeepDim, __Mean)>) -> Self {

#[builder(start_fn = new)]
struct SumParams<'a> {
    dims: &'a [i64],
    keep_dim: bool,
    mean: bool,

struct Tensor {}

impl Tensor {
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        Tensor {}

    pub fn sum<'b>(&self, params: impl Into<SumParams<'b>>) -> Tensor {
        let params = params.into();
        // todo logic
        Tensor {}

// User can also implment into for SumParams
impl<'a, const N: usize> From<&'a [i64; N]> for SumParams<'a> {
    fn from(dims: &'a [i64; N]) -> Self {

fn main() {
    let t = Tensor::new();

    let output = t
        .sum(SumParams::new().dims(&[1, 2]))
        .sum(SumParams::new().dims(&[1, 2]).keep_dim(false))
        .sum(SumParams::new().dims(&[1, 2]).keep_dim(false).mean(false))
        .sum(&[1, 2]);
    //with https://github.com/elastio/bon/pull/125
    //.sum(SumParams::new(&[1, 2]).keep_dim(false).mean(false));

good: only 1 variant of original function bad: more verbose to call, can use custom implement into<FParams> if only single required params.

not sure which style is better.

dzmitry-lahoda commented 5 days ago

not sure if that was discussed, would be nice macro force all option parameters to be in the end in original function too(fail to compile if not). so macro will not reorder parameters as they written in text.

because if parameters will be reordered in macro, but not in original text, it may lead to subtle usage bugs.

cksac commented 5 days ago

Recap of above pattern. Personally, I prefer the closure style 1) > 2)

// 1)
let output = t
    .sum_with(&[1, 2], |b| b.keep_dim(true).mean(false));

// 2) 
let output = t
    .sum(|b| b.dims(&[1, 2]))
    .sum(|b| b.dims(&[1, 2]).keep_dim(false).mean(false));

// 3)
let output = t
    .sum_with(&[1, 2], TensorSum__OptParams::builder().keep_dim(true).mean(false));

// 4)
let output = t
    .sum(TensorSum__Params::new().dims(&[1, 2]))
    .sum(TensorSum__Params::new().dims(&[1, 2]).keep_dim(false).mean(false));