Sometimes, workflow jobs fails if its duration takes long time
Example error message from job:
Run excl_ptrn="*GPG-KEY"
+ aws s3api put-object --acl private --body repobuild/artifacts/Amazon/2023/aarch64/Packages/elastio-snap-debuginfo-0.12.2-1.amzn2023.aarch64.rpm --bucket --key linux/elastio-snap/master/1126/rpm/Amazon/2023/aarch64/Packages/elastio-snap-debuginfo-0.12.2-1.amzn2023.aarch64.rpm
An error occurred (ExpiredToken) when calling the PutObject operation: The provided token has expired.
+ exit 7
Error: Process completed with exit code 7.
Sometimes, workflow jobs fails if its duration takes long time
Example error message from job:
Thanks @skypodolsky for reporting