elax46 / custom-brand-icons

Custom brand icons for Home Assistant
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Added GoPlay Logo #665

Closed arnocl closed 1 month ago

arnocl commented 1 month ago

GoPlay is a major TV station in Belgium. All other major Belgian stations are already included.

rchiileea commented 1 month ago

image this is a 24x24 box, there is a 2 pixel border around it for cache reasons. if you create i icon it needs the 2 pixel gap all the way round

arnocl commented 1 month ago

There are a lot of icons with its content all the way to the border, hence the confusion... Can this info be included in the contribution workflow?

rchiileea commented 1 month ago

there are a lot, over 150, which I have spent a while updating, we have already changed over 50 of them and I have just spent the last 2 weeks of my spare time fixing the current ones, what do you use for creating icons?

rchiileea commented 1 month ago

you have only left 1 pixel around the logo you just adjusted

arnocl commented 1 month ago

Thanks for your input and time! I'm using Illustrator, I guess it messes up the path code... I'll try again with InkScape. Sorry for the repeated pull requests!

rchiileea commented 1 month ago

nope its fine, I was in your place when I first started adding, some of my original contributed icons wer 1000+ pixels wide lol so I would not worry about it, its great to see someone try to be part of the project so dont be to hard on yourself

first use this template in adobe ai template.zip this has the border included that you need to stay between, then when created, export as svg with these settings


then to make sure its one path I use inkscape, load the file in that, select the art image you see the bounding box, then hold control and push k, it will combine the paths without any crazy adobe ai adjustments, the click on board in inkscape and cut...

Screenshot 2024-05-28 183633

then just save it, then just pull the code required from the file, the viewbox will be 24x24 and the icon will have the 2 pxiel gap around it.

rchiileea commented 1 month ago

p.s I already corrected the icons and will add them in next release, but practice if you wish.

arnocl commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the help. I had these icons locally, better to see them being used by the community... Thanks for importing the icon, but I see I messed up somewhere, some of the paths seem distorted. I'll try to make a new pull request, hopefully with the correct dimensions this time. I also included a alternative version, maybe better for a small square icon...

rchiileea commented 1 month ago

I am a person with resources, ill give you this to help yourself, that was your one as an expample, but as i see your commited here we go, use this to create.

goplay (2)