elbereth / DragonUnPACKer

Free/Open source game file resource explorer/unpacking tool made easy!
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EReadError? #158

Closed L1ght5h0w closed 8 years ago

L1ght5h0w commented 8 years ago

Had the following error while trying to extract a file from a .utx from the game SWAT 4:

____________ Error report ____________

Timestamp: 2/7/2016 11:50:34 AM
From: classFSE.pas in ExtractFile_Alt:drv_ut.d5d
Exception: EReadError
Reporting: Stream read error
Version: 5.7.0 Beta (Build 284) [4/8/2014 8:59:40 PM]

____________ More Details ____________

Error while extracting data (Stream mode) from drv_ut.d5d driver:

Drivers[2].Info.Name=A.Cordero's UT Package Driver
Drivers[2].Info.Author=Alexandre Devilliers (aka Elbereth)
Drivers[2].Info.Comment=Read/Extract from Unreal Tournament packages. Read/Extract code using UT Packages Delphi unit v2.3-cvs (09/05/2004) by Antonio Cordero Balcazar <http://www.acordero.org>.

__________ Computer status: __________

Windows 7 (v6.1 build 7601 Service Pack 1)
CPU Count=4 OEMID=0 Arch=0 Level=21 Rev=512
Memory: Free=13249MB / Total=16365MB

Not sure what this means.

elbereth commented 8 years ago

It means the game is unsupported unfortunately. The library used to read Unreal Engine files was not updated since 2004. So it won't be supported anytime soon. :(