elboletaire / Watimage

:framed_picture: PHP image manipulation class
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Image extension to lower case #28

Closed alexxandar closed 8 years ago

alexxandar commented 8 years ago

Sometimes image extension can be uppercase and class would reject it, this resolves the problem.

elboletaire commented 8 years ago

Awesome, thanks!

Let me ask you something, please. I'm a bit curious because I was thinking that people out there were probably using other php image manipulation classes instead of Watimage and that's why I wanna ask you: what led you to use watimage instead of any other?

alexxandar commented 8 years ago

I needed a quick way to add watermark to image, Googled for a class that does that and found yours. Seemed simple enough to add... And now it works as part of custom Joomla plugin :)

elboletaire commented 8 years ago

Good to know. I stopped working on it a bit discouraged when I found Imagine; since then I'm not sure if I should continue with my own work, or maybe I should create my class based on another like imagine (which is heavily tested and maintained).

Anyway, your comment encourages me to continue on it, whatever the decision taken.

Thank you! For your comment, for your PR, but specially for using Watimage :smiley: