elbywan / crystalline

A Language Server Protocol implementation for Crystal. 🔮
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Doesn't work with VS code on Linux Mint (x86-64) #90

Closed egoholic closed 1 month ago

egoholic commented 1 month ago

It just doesn't work (none of the features). Both master and 0.13.1.

I had an issue with compilation related to LLVM, which I fixed with recommendations from https://github.com/crystal-lang/crystal/issues/12896

crystalline and crystal binaries placed withing /usr/bin/. Crystal plagin for VS Code has absolute path on crystalline.

VS Code 1.88.0

Extension status bar shows: Crystal: running context tool... and that is all. Sometimes when I hover some token the tooltip shows Loading.... but most of the time really nothing happens.

crystal version
Crystal 1.12.1 [4cea10199] (2024-04-11)

LLVM: 15.0.7
Default target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
egoholic commented 1 month ago

Any suggestions?

egoholic commented 1 month ago

I kinda found a problem. My previous VS Code were installed from flatpak. When I installed VS Code from official site and installed and configured crystal extension for it then I found that Crystalline works well, so that the problem was not with crystalline, but with flatpak's VS Code build. I don't know what is different with flatpak's build, but I highly recommend to avoid it, because I found several more issues with it, including glitchy GUI.