elcodi / bamboo

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while installation Store not found. #681

Open youssefsimon opened 8 years ago

youssefsimon commented 8 years ago

i working on windows 10 while installation in composer this exception appear

this is copied form composer

[InvalidArgumentException] Could not find any fixtures to load in:

Installing assets for Elcodi\Plugin\StripeBundle into web/bundles/elcodistripe Installing assets for Elcodi\Plugin\CustomShippingBundle into web/bundles/elcodicustomshipping Installing assets for Elcodi\Plugin\BankwireBundle into web/bundles/elcodibankwire Installing assets for Sensio\Bundle\DistributionBundle into web/bundles/sensiodistribution

[Elcodi\Component\Store\Exception\StoreNotFoundException] Store not found.

assetic:dump [--forks FORKS] [--watch] [--force] [--period PERIOD] [--] []

[elcodi] Command finished in 244199 milliseconds [elcodi] Max memory used: 83623936 bytes

elcodi-exception1 elcodi-exception2

mmoreram commented 8 years ago

Would be nice to have the log :)

mkarakeh commented 8 years ago


erixo964 commented 8 years ago

i have same problem. pls help http://prntscr.com/a40wf8 http://prntscr.com/a40wo4

fbaldo31 commented 8 years ago

Hi i had the same problem and i solved it by creating the store line in phpmyadmin. You have to create a currency and a language before.

martinknor commented 8 years ago

resolution: here

cristhianbarros commented 8 years ago

To solve this error, use this command-> php app/console doctrine:fixtures:load --fixtures="src/Elcodi/Fixtures" --no-interaction

AcelisWeaven commented 8 years ago

@cristhianbarros Thanks, your contribution helped me a lot. I still had an issue because plugins weren't loaded, so I had to use these commands:

php app/console doctrine:fixtures:load --fixtures="src/Elcodi/Fixtures" --fixtures="src/Elcodi/Plugin" --no-interaction`
php app/console elcodi:plugins:load