eldadru / ksniff

Kubectl plugin to ease sniffing on kubernetes pods using tcpdump and wireshark
Apache License 2.0
3.13k stars 186 forks source link

Annotation fork ksniff #143

Open andel7 opened 2 years ago

andel7 commented 2 years ago


I want to troubleshoot Consul service mesh that is configured to inject sidecar by default. Ksniff pod can't even start due to consul inject. Consul has the ability ignore specific pods by adding annotations.

Is is possible to define annotations on the pod created by ksniff ?

bostrt commented 2 years ago

I think adding an annotation to the ksniff pods would be straightforward. However, I would like to understand your issue a little better.

Can you share the ksniff error you are receiving?

bostrt commented 1 year ago

@andel7 Do you know if Consul can use a Label instead of an Annotation?